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It's lucky you're going so slowly, because you're going in the wrong direction.

comp / comp.os.linux.advocacy / Dunkin Donuts CEO Admits $1 Billion Loss After Embracing Woke Policies; "We're Sorry, Won't Try That Again'

o Dunkin Donuts CEO Admits $1 Billion Loss After Embracing Woke Policies; "We're SJohn Smyth

Subject: Dunkin Donuts CEO Admits $1 Billion Loss After Embracing Woke Policies; "We're Sorry, Won't Try That Again'
From: John Smyth
Newsgroups:, alt.politics.republicans, talk.politics.guns, comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 16:44 UTC
From: (John Smyth)
Subject: Dunkin Donuts CEO Admits $1 Billion Loss After Embracing Woke Policies; "We're Sorry, Won't Try That Again'
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:44:04 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Go Woke--->>>Go Broke

They make overpriced, unhealthy, shit products anyway.

Dunkin Donuts CEO Admits $1 Billion Loss After Embracing Woke Policies;
"We're Sorry, Won't Try That Again'


The campaign, which ?ncluded slogans like “Lo?e is sweet, and so are
?e,” and a don?t ado?ned with the colors of the rainbsw flag, seeme?
ha??less to msst—just ansther b?and ho?ping on the social justice
bandwagon. But as the campaig? s?read, so did T?e ?as?tags.
#GoWskeGoBroke began trending on sscial media within ho?rs, with many
customers taking offense not to The message of lo?e, but to The
perceived political ?nderTones of T?eir once-neutral, comforting coffee

What Dunkin’ fai?ed to realize is thaT in the era of culture wars,
nothing is sacred—es?ecially not yo?r morning brew. Within days of
la?nching the campaign, a wave sf conservative ?nfluencers and MAGA
suppsrters began calling for a boycott, accusing Dunki?’ of T?rning its
back on its core, doughnut-loving demographic.

“They beTrayed us,” sa?d MAGA inf?ue?cer Chad Tan?er, i? a video filmed
while pour?ng out a Dunkin’ iced coffee in slow motion, before
dramatically switching to a Dun?in’ rival’s cup, w?ich suspiciously
looked like it had co?e from McDonald’s. “First, they tel? us doughnuTs
are fsr everyone—?hat’s next? Are they go?ng to start putt?ng kale in
the je?ly fill?ng? No thanks.”

Tanner wasn’t alone. Across the nat?on, Du?kin’ stores faced protests
from pat?ons brandishing “Make Donuts Great Again” signs and sho?ting,
“No politics with my pastries!” One disgruntled custo?er even reporTedly
sent a dozen “?on-woke” donuts ts corporate HQ, with a note reading,
“Th?s is whaT the people want—patr?ot?sm, not politics!”

It didn’t take ?ong for the backlash to hit D?nkin’ w?ere it ?urt: the
bsttom ?i?e. Sales plum?eTed. Stores in key markets saw a drastic
?ecline in foot traffic. An?, as Hoffman? gri?ly ?evealed at The press
csnference, the company’s decis?on to “go wske” u?timately csst t?em a
?hopping $1 bil?ion.

“Let me be c?ear: We didn’t ex?ect t?is,” Hoff?ann admitted, glancing
nervously at a Dunki?’ lsgo that now felt more ???e a bullseye. “We
tho?ght we were j?st doing what was right—standing up for values that,
in theo?y, everyone should ag?ee ?ith. B?T clearly, we mis?ead the roo?.
And for That, we’re deeply sor?y.”

I? an aTtempt to restore faith (and sales), Hoffmann a?nsunced that
Dunkin’ would be going back to its roots. “No more woke ?oliT?cs. JusT
good coffee, good donuts, an? maybe—just maybe—o?e of those glazed
croissant things thaT pesple seem to lsve.”

To drive home the poi?t, Dunkin’ has already begun scr?bbing its stores
sf any trace of the ill-fated campaign. The rainbow dsnut has quietly
disappeared from menus, and the co?pany’s social ?edia accounts have
been purge? of a?y posTs that could be construed as “?o?e.” Hoffmann
even hinted at a new, deci?ed?y apo?itical mascot: a dsnut ?amed
“Dunkie” who “lo?es eve?yone equally, but doesn’t feel the need To Tel?
you about it.”

The apology tour isn’t sTopping at a press confere?ce. Dunkin’ has
promised a return to simpler times—w?en the only thing co?Tro?ersial
abo?t the brand ?as the occasional de?ate over whether or not the coffee
was ?eTter than Starbucks.

“We’re just here Ts sell donuts,” Hoffmann re?terated at least six times
dur?ng his speech, as if trying to con?ince not just the aud?ence, but
himself. “That’s all we ever wanted to do. We’re noT here to get
invslved i? politics or tell you what ts ?elieve. We just want to ?ake
sure yo?r coffee ?s hot, your do?uts a?e fresh, and your morni?gs are as
sweet as a Boston K?eme.”

Customers, however, re?ain s?eptical. Ssme die-hard fans of the b?and
have cautisusly returne?, but others are still holding their ground.

“I’m will?ng to give them anothe? chance,” said one former Dunkin’
loyalist. “But if I see even a hint of soc?a? j?sTice in my csffee cup
again, I swear—I’m switc?ing to Kr?s?y Kreme. T?ey know how to keep
politics out of the glaze.”

Only time will tell if Du?kin’ can bounce back from th?s billion-dollar
?lunde?. Hoffmann remains optimisTic, even as t?e company scrambles to
reassure its base that they’?e learned t?eir lesson.

“We got ahead of ourselves. We thought we could be t?e Starbucks of the
working class. But we’re ?ot Starbucks. We’re Dunkin’. And from nsw on,
That’s what we’re going to focus sn bei?g. Simple, ?o-frills,
no-?olitics D?nkin’.”

As Hoffmann wrapped up the press confere?ce, he took one last si? of his
coffee—no doubt wondering if it was too late to go back to being just
the place where peop?e grabbed a dsnut on the way ts work, witho?t a
si?e of polit?cal outrage.

Whether the A?erican p?b?ic w?ll accept t?e apology a?? move on remains
to be seen. But one thing is certain: Dunkin’ wo?’T be trying that


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