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comp / comp.misc / Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...

* If you were to design a netnews protocol today...George Musk
+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Michael Bäuerle
|`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Anton Shepelev
| `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Michael Bäuerle
+- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
+- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Computer Nerd Kev
+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Lawrence D'Oliveiro
|+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Grant Taylor
||+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Lawrence D'Oliveiro
|||+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
||||`- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Lawrence D'Oliveiro
|||`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Grant Taylor
||| +* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Lawrence D'Oliveiro
||| |`* Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today..Anton Shepelev
||| | `* Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todKerr-Mudd, John
||| |  `* Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todAnton Shepelev
||| |   +- Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todD
||| |   +* Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todD
||| |   |+* Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todSn!pe
||| |   ||`- Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todD
||| |   |`* Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todyeti
||| |   | `* Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todD
||| |   |  `* Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todJohanne Fairchild
||| |   |   `- Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todD
||| |   `* Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todJohanne Fairchild
||| |    `- Re: Usenet as social media [was:Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol todScott Dorsey
||| `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Steven M. O'Neill
|||  `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Lawrence D'Oliveiro
|||   `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...The Real Bev
|||    +- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Stefan Ram
|||    +* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
|||    |+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...The Real Bev
|||    ||+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Stefan Ram
|||    |||`- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...The Real Bev
|||    ||+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Rich
|||    |||`- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...The Real Bev
|||    ||`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
|||    || +* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...The Real Bev
|||    || |`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Kerr-Mudd, John
|||    || | `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
|||    || `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Rich
|||    ||  +- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...The Real Bev
|||    ||  +- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
|||    ||  `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Scott Dorsey
|||    ||   `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Kerr-Mudd, John
|||    |`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Richard Kettlewell
|||    | `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
|||    +* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Johanne Fairchild
|||    |`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...The Real Bev
|||    | `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Johanne Fairchild
|||    |  +* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...yeti
|||    |  |+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
|||    |  ||`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Rich
|||    |  || `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...yeti
|||    |  ||  `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Rich
|||    |  ||   `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Anton Shepelev
|||    |  ||    `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
|||    |  |`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Johanne Fairchild
|||    |  | `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...yeti
|||    |  +* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
|||    |  |+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...yeti
|||    |  ||`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Lawrence D'Oliveiro
|||    |  || +- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...candycanearter07
|||    |  || `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...candycanearter07
|||    |  |`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Johanne Fairchild
|||    |  | `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Stefan Ram
|||    |  |  `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Johanne Fairchild
|||    |  |   +- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...yeti
|||    |  |   `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Stefan Ram
|||    |  `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Anton Shepelev
|||    |   `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Johanne Fairchild
|||    `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Sn!pe
|||     +* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...yeti
|||     |+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Sn!pe
|||     ||+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...yeti
|||     |||`- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...candycanearter07
|||     ||`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Anton Shepelev
|||     || +* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Sn!pe
|||     || |`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Sn!pe
|||     || | `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Kerr-Mudd, John
|||     || +- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...candycanearter07
|||     || +- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Anton Shepelev
|||     || +- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Scott Dorsey
|||     || `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Lawrence D'Oliveiro
|||     |`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
|||     | `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...yeti
|||     `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Scott Alfter
||`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Dan Purgert
|| `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
|`- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Richard Kettlewell
|+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Stefan Ram
||+- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
||`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...yeti
|| `- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Stefan Ram
|+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Stefan Ram
||+* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Richard Kettlewell
|||`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Stefan Ram
||| `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Richard Kettlewell
|||  `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Lawrence D'Oliveiro
|||   `* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Richard Kettlewell
||`- Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...D
|`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Johanne Fairchild
`* Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...Andy K.

Subject: Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...
From: Lawrence D'Oliv
Newsgroups: comp.misc,
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 01:28 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
From: ldo@nz.invalid (Lawrence D'Oliveiro)
Newsgroups: comp.misc,
Subject: Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 01:28:23 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 8
Message-ID: <vbb1fm$1qo8$>
References: <v900h1$2eak$>
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On Thu, 29 Aug 2024 09:22:34 +0042, yeti wrote:

>> I've also detected a few on usenet as well, so they are here, you just
>> need to learn how to detect them. ;)
> Use a dowsing rod? A pendulum?

Simple: just ask an expert on detecting experts.

Subject: Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...
From: Lawrence D'Oliv
Newsgroups: comp.misc
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 01:34 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
From: ldo@nz.invalid (Lawrence D'Oliveiro)
Newsgroups: comp.misc
Subject: Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 01:34:12 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <vbb1qk$1qo8$>
References: <v900h1$2eak$>
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Cancel-Lock: sha1:Ne75eRAaNT8I7yzb1Iw5T6vvlgA=
View all headers

On 28 Aug 2024 17:55:55 -0300, Mike Spencer wrote:

> Interesting to note that top-posting wasn't mentioned by Net.God in His
> commandments.

I like to repurpose lawyer jokes for this.


The man responded: “No, I’m an asshole!”

The first guy said, “Are you a top-poster?”

A man in the back of the newsgroup stood up and shouted back at him: “I
take exception to that statement and I resent it greatly!”

This guy walked into a newsgroup and posted for all to hear: “Top-posters

Subject: Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...
From: candycanearter07
Newsgroups: comp.misc,
Organization: the-candyden-of-code
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 15:10 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
From: candycanearter07@candycanearter07.nomail.afraid (candycanearter07)
Newsgroups: comp.misc,
Subject: Re: If you were to design a netnews protocol today...
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 15:10:03 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: the-candyden-of-code
Lines: 14
Message-ID: <>
References: <v900h1$2eak$>
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<> <vbb1fm$1qo8$>
Injection-Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2024 17:10:03 +0200 (CEST)
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ZrQsWJ >|l^I_[pbsIqwoz.WGA]<D
View all headers

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> wrote at 01:28 this Thursday (GMT):
> On Thu, 29 Aug 2024 09:22:34 +0042, yeti wrote:
>>> I've also detected a few on usenet as well, so they are here, you just
>>> need to learn how to detect them. ;)
>> Use a dowsing rod? A pendulum?
> Simple: just ask an expert on detecting experts.

Seems like a catch-22 to me
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom


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