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comp / comp.misc / Capture2Text 4.6.3 (2022-03-19)

o Capture2Text 4.6.3 (2022-03-19)D

Subject: Capture2Text 4.6.3 (2022-03-19)
From: D
Newsgroups: comp.misc
Organization: - The Internet Problem Provider
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 01:30 UTC
From: (D)
Subject: Capture2Text 4.6.3 (2022-03-19)
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Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 02:30:39 +0100
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(using Tor Browser 13.5.2)
> *What is Capture2Text?
> *Download
> *System Requirements
> *How to Launch
> *Troubleshooting & FAQ
> *Related Tools for Japanese Language Learners
>What is Capture2Text?
>Capture2Text enables users to quickly OCR a portion of the screen using
>a keyboard shortcut. The resulting text will be saved to the clipboard
>by default.
>Conceptual illustration:
>Capture2Text is free and licensed under the terms of the GNU General
>Public License.
>The latest version can be found on the Capture2Text download page
> *Installing Additional OCR Languages
> *How to Perform a Standard OCR Capture
> *How to Perform a Text Line OCR Capture
> *How to Perform a Forward Text Line OCR Capture
> *How to Perform a Bubble OCR Capture
> *How to Specify the Active OCR Language
> *Translation
> *Settings
> *Command Line Options
>hosted by SourceForge.
>Download Latest Version
> (63.6 MB)
( / 60.6 MB), extracted . . .
(Capture2Text_v4.6.3_64bit / 150 MB / 29 Files, 5 Folders) . . .
(tested this program and it runs fine in windows 7 and windows 11)
>System Requirements
>Supported operating systems:
> *Windows 7
> *Windows 8/8.1
> *Windows 10
>Note: Windows XP support has been dropped as of Capture2Text v4.0.
>How to Launch Capture2Text (no installation required)
> 1. Unzip the contents of the zip file.
> 2. Double-click on Capture2Text.exe. You should see the Capture2Text
> icon on the bottom-right of your screen (though it might be
> hidden in which case you will have to click on the "Show hidden
> icons" arrow).
>Installing Additional OCR Languages
>By default Capture2Text comes packaged with the following languages:
>English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.
>Follow these steps if you would like to install additional OCR
> 1. Download the appropriate OCR language dictionary.
> 2. Open the ".zip" file you just downloaded with 7-Zip or similar
> decompression software.
> 3. Drag all files contained within the zip file to the tessdata
> folder:
> 4. Restart Capture2Text.
>The following OCR languages are supported:
>Afrikaans (afr) Greek (ell) Odiya (ori)
>Albanian (sqi) Gujarati (guj) Panjabi (pan)
>Amharic (amh) Haitian (hat) Persian (fas)
>Ancient Greek (grc) Hebrew (heb) Polish (pol)
>Arabic (ara) Hindi (hin) Portuguese (por)
>Assamese (asm) Hungarian (hun) Pushto (pus)
>Azerbaijani (aze) Icelandic (isl) Romanian (ron)
>Basque (eus) Indic (inc) Russian (rus)
>Belarusian (bel) Indonesian (ind) Sanskrit (san)
>Bengali (ben) Inuktitut (iku) Serbian (srp)
>Bosnian (bos) Irish (gle) Sinhala (sin)
>Bulgarian (bul) Italian (ita) Slovak (slk)
>Burmese (mya) Japanese (jpn) Slovenian (slv)
>Catalan (cat) Javanese (jav) Spanish (spa)
>Cebuano (ceb) Kannada (kan) Swahili (swa)
>Central Khmer (khm) Kazakh (kaz) Swedish (swe)
>Cherokee (chr) Kirghiz (kir) Syriac (syr)
>Chinese - Simplified (chi_sim) Korean (kor) Tagalog (tgl)
>Chinese - Traditional (chi_tra) Kurukh (kru) Tajik (tgk)
>Croatian (hrv) Lao (lao) Tamil (tam)
>Czech (ces) Latin (lat) Telugu (tel)
>Danish (dan) Latvian (lav) Thai (tha)
>Dutch (nld) Lithuanian (lit) Tibetan (bod)
>Dzongkha (dzo) Macedonian (mkd) Tigrinya (tir)
>English (eng) Malay (msa) Turkish (tur)
>Esperanto (epo) Malayalam (mal) Uighur (uig)
>Estonian (est) Maltese (mlt) Ukrainian (ukr)
>Finnish (fin) Marathi (mar) Urdu (urd)
>Frankish (frk) Math/Equations (equ) Uzbek (uzb)
>French (fra) Middle English (1100-1500) (enm) Vietnamese (vie)
>Galician (glg) Middle French (1400-1600) (frm) Welsh (cym)
>Georgian (kat) Nepali (nep) Yiddish (yid)
>German (deu) Norwegian (nor)
>How to Perform a Standard OCR Capture
>Follow these steps to perform a standard OCR capture using the
>capture box:
> 1. Position your mouse pointer at the top-left corner of the text
> that you want to OCR.
> 2. Press the OCR hotkey (Windows Key + Q) to begin an OCR capture.
> 3. Move your mouse to resize the blue capture box over the text that
> you want to OCR. You may hold down the right mouse button and
> drag to move the entire capture box.
> 4. Press the OCR hotkey again (or left-click or press ENTER) to
> complete the OCR capture. The OCR'd text will be placed in the
> clipboard and a popup showing the captured text will appear (the
> popup may be disabled in the settings).
>As with all OCR captures, you must manually select the language that
>you would like to OCR from the settings.
>To change the OCR language, right-click the Capture2Text tray icon,
>select the OCR Language option and then select the desired language.
>To quickly switch between 3 languages, use the OCR language quick
>access keys: Windows Key + 1, Windows Key + 2, and Windows Key + 3.
>The quick access languages may be specified in the settings.
>When Chinese or Japanese is selected, you should specify the text
>direction (vertical/horizontal/auto) using the text direction hotkey:
>Windows Key + O. If auto is selected, horizontal will be used when
>the capture width is more than twice the height, otherwise vertical
>will be used. The text direction also affects how furigana is
>stripped from Japanese text.
>(For Japanese) Capture2Text will attempt to automatically strip out
>How to Perform a Text Line OCR Capture
>Capture2Text can automatically capture the line of text that is
>closest to the mouse pointer.
>Follow these steps to perform a Text Line OCR Capture:
> 1. Position your mouse pointer on or near the line of text to
> capture.
> 2. Press the Text Line OCR Capture hotkey (Windows Key + E).
> 3. Capture2Text will outline the captured text and save the OCR
> result to the clipboard.
>How to Perform a Forward Text Line OCR Capture
>Capture2Text can automatically capture the line of text starting at
>the character that is closest to the mouse pointer and working
>Follow these steps to perform a Forward Text Line OCR Capture:
> 1. Position your mouse pointer on or near the character to start at.
> 2. Press the Forward Text Line OCR Capture hotkey (Windows Key + W).
> 3. Capture2Text will outline the captured text and save the OCR
> result to the clipboard.
>How to Perform a Bubble OCR Capture
>Capture2Text can automatically capture text contained within a comic
>book speech/thought bubble as long as the bubble is completely
>Follow these steps to perform a Bubble OCR Capture:
> 1. Position your mouse pointer in the empty part of the bubble (not
> on the text).
> 2. Press the bubble OCR Capture hotkey (Windows Key + S).
> 3. Capture2Text will outline the captured text and save the OCR
> result to the clipboard.
>How to Specify the Active OCR Language
>To specify the active OCR language, right-click the tray icon, click
>on OCR Language, and select an OCR languages from the list:
>To enable the translation feature, start by opening the settings
>dialog (right-click tray icon and select "Settings..."), and
>clicking on the Translate tab.
>Check the "Append translation to clipboard" checkbox to append the
>translated text to the clipboard using the provided separator.
>Check the "Show translation in popup window" checkbox to display the
>translated text along side the OCR text in the popup window. For
>Each installed OCR language may be translated to a different
>Note 1: Some OCR languages do not have translation support.
>Unsupported languages will not be displayed.
>Note 2: The translation feature requires Internet access.
>Right-click the Capture2Text tray icon in the bottom-right of your
>screen and then select the "Settings..." option to bring up the
>Settings dialog. You may hover over many of the option labels to
>display a helpful tooltip explaining the option.
[end quoted excerpt]

Click here to read the complete article

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