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comp / comp.lang.lisp / Re: Another code review perhaps?

o Re: Another code review perhaps?B. Pym

Subject: Re: Another code review perhaps?
From: B. Pym
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 17:27 UTC
From: (B. Pym)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Subject: Re: Another code review perhaps?
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 17:27:25 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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> > This is my solution to Ex. 5 on p. 97 of Paul Graham's "ANSI Common
> > Lisp"
> >
> > <QUOTE>
> > Define iterative and recursive versions of a function that takes an
> > object x and a vector v, and returns a list of all the objects that
> > immediately precede x in v.
> >
> > > (precedes #\a "abracadabra")
> > (#\c #\d #\r)
> > </QUOTE>
> >
> > (I'll just ask about the iterative solution I developed.)
> >
> > ;;;;Ex. 5
> > (defun precedes (object vector)
> > (let ((maximum-vector-index (- (length vector) 1))
> > (return-list nil))
> > (dotimes (vector-index maximum-vector-index return-list)
> > (let ((test-vector-element (aref vector (+ vector-index 1)))
> > (preceding-vector-element (aref vector vector-index)))
> > (if (and (eql object test-vector-element)
> > (not (member preceding-vector-element return-list)))
> > (push preceding-vector-element return-list))))))
> >
> > Do you think that the use of DOTIMES is better than DO in this case?
> DOTIMES is fine. My main commentt is, while it's good to use
> descriptive names, you don't want to go overboard. And you don't
> really need to pull the (- (length vector) 1) expression out since
> it's only used once--I think it's actually more clear to use it
> directly in place; seeing it in place in the DOTIMES I know what it's
> for immediately. (Also, that's one of the benefits of using DOTIMES
> compared to DO, is that it only evaluates the count-form once).
> Finally, you can use PUSHNEW to do the membership test for you.
> Anyway, here's how I'd modify your original to make it (IMO) a bit
> more clear but otherwise about the same. Note how I haven't
> abbreviated any names--they're all full words. But I don't think
> anything is lost by, for example, using a single word, `index' instead
> of `vector-index':
> (defun precedes (object vector)
> (let ((results nil))
> (dotimes (index (1- (length vector)) results)
> (let ((current (aref vector (1+ index)))
> (previous (aref vector index)))
> (when (eql object current)
> (pushnew previous results))))))
> Now that I can sort of see what's going on, I see that `current' and
> `previous' are also only used once each so I think it'll further
> clarify things to inline the expressions. I'd also abbreviate the
> index variable--not because it's less typing but because I can tell at
> a glance that it's just a regular index variable. Matter of taste:
> (defun precedes (object vector)
> (let ((results nil))
> (dotimes (idx (1- (length vector)) results)
> (when (eql object (aref vector (1+ idx)))
> (pushnew (aref vector idx) results)))))
> That we've got things boiled down a bit we can try writing the
> equivalent using DO. Because we can control the starting value of the
> index with a DO loop I switch to starting at 1 and looping up to the
> end of the vector. I always try to have my index variable actually
> looping over the indices I want to use--I always screw it up if the
> end test is anything more complicated than (= idx (length vector)).
> (defun precedes (object vector)
> (do ((length (length vector))
> (results nil)
> (idx 1 (1+ idx)))
> ((= idx length) results)
> (when (eql object (aref vector idx))
> (pushnew (aref vector (1- idx)) results))))
> I don't think that's really any better. Maybe LOOP:
> (defun precedes (object vector)
> (loop with results = nil
> for idx from 1 below (length vector)
> when (eql object (aref vector idx))
> do (pushnew (aref vector (1- idx)) results)
> finally (return results)))
> About the same as the DOTIMES version. However I might opt for
> expressing the removal of duplicates more explicitly, by using
> DELETE-DUPLICATES (which also lets me use LOOP's collect mechanism):
> (defun precedes (object vector)
> (delete-duplicates
> (loop for idx from 1 below (length vector)
> when (eql object (aref vector idx))
> collect (aref vector (1- idx)))
> Or for a fairly different way of looking at it, there's already a
> function to find the position of a given object in a sequence. Maybe
> we can use it:
> (defun precedes (object vector)
> (delete-duplicates
> (loop for start = 1 then (1+ pos)
> for pos = (position object vector :start start)
> while pos collect (aref vector (1- pos)))))
> I don't know if this last one is really better in any way but it's
> worth considering that there are a bunch of built in functions for
> doing good stuff with sequences.

Gauche Scheme

(use gauche.sequence) ;; subseq

(define (precedes object vec)
(lambda (a b accum)
(if (and (equal? object b) (not (member a accum)))
(cons a accum)
(subseq vec 1)))

(precedes 'b #(b a b c d b e f b f b))
(f d a)


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