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Q: What do Winnie the Pooh and John the Baptist have in common? A: The same middle name.

alt / alt.atheism / Re: Why do right-wingnuts find the trial and its outcome so surprising?

Subject: Re: Why do right-wingnuts find the trial and its outcome so surprising?
From: Michael A Terrell
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Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 16:39 UTC
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Subject: Re: Why do right-wingnuts find the trial and its outcome so
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On 6/3/2024 7:54 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child
molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

> In article <zwM6O.6075$kHEb.3052@fx48.iad>,
> says...
>> On 6/1/2024 2:01 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child
>> molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:
>>> In article <oXH6O.10272$1Jw6.4990@fx37.iad>,
>>> says...
>>>> On 6/1/2024 8:54 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child
>>>> molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:
>>>>> In article <UfH6O.4889$L7p2.861@fx01.iad>, air@vatican_.con says...
>>>>>> On 5/31/2024 7:09 PM, Mitchell Holman wrote:
>>>>>>> David Hartung <> wrote in
>>>>>>>> On 5/31/24 16:05, Rudy Canoza wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 5/31/2024 1:42 PM, David Hartung wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 5/31/24 12:44, Rudy Canoza wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> It's *not* surprising in the least. Trump has been a crook his
>>>>>>> entire
>>>>>>>>>>> adult life; even earlier if you count his cheating on the SAT to get
>>>>>>>>>>> into college and his draft dodging ("bone spurs," *ha ha ha ha ha*!)
>>>>>>>>>>> Trump cheated on all his wives.
>>>>>>>>>>> Trump bragged about screwing his friends' wives.
>>>>>>>>>>> Trump chiseled his contractors and attorneys for decades.
>>>>>>>>>>> Trump violated the emoluments clause every single day of his failed
>>>>>>>>>>> term.
>>>>>>>>>>> Trump broke the law in freezing aid to Ukraine and trying to
>>>>>>>>>>> strong-arm Zelenskiy into smearing Joe Biden.
>>>>>>>>>>> Trump organized, financed and incited an insurrection.
>>>>>>>>>>> Trump organized and participated in the fake electors scheme.
>>>>>>>>>>> Trump *stole* thousands of documents, including hundreds that are
>>>>>>>>>>> classified, and refused to return them, defied a subpoena for them,
>>>>>>>>>>> and obstructed the recovery of them by the government, including
>>>>>>>>>>> suborning perjury by his lawyers. Trump *still* has documents that
>>>>>>>>>>> don't belong to him.
>>>>>>>>>>> Trump corruptly and criminally tried to pressure state election
>>>>>>>>>>> officials into committing election fraud.
>>>>>>>>>>> The *only* thing surprising about this case and verdict is how long
>>>>>>>>>>> it took before Trump finally was brought to justice. And make no
>>>>>>>>>>> mistake, justice was done.
>>>>>>>>>>> It is hilarious listening to Trump talk about the case. Trump, an
>>>>>>>>>>> intellectual mediocrity at best, has a self-replenishing bucket of
>>>>>>>>>>> lame, trite adjectives and nouns that he reaches into to grab a
>>>>>>>>>>> fistful and lard his speech and text messages with them. "Corrupt,"
>>>>>>>>>>> "disgrace/disgraceful," "disgusting," "fake," "radical far left,"
>>>>>>>>>>> "hoax," etc. These are words used by a demented fuckwit who never
>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>>>>>> a good vocabulary to start with.
>>>>>>>>>>> I once read a very good piece by someone talking about "separator"
>>>>>>>>>>> words. These are words and expressions that separate intelligent and
>>>>>>>>>>> literate people from the average people and the knuckle-draggers.
>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>> author gave an example of responses by a knuckle-dragger, an average
>>>>>>>>>>> Joe, and an intelligent and literate person to the discovery of a
>>>>>>>>>>> useful solution to a problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>    Knuckle-dragger: "Cool!"
>>>>>>>>>>>    Average Joe: "This will help us."
>>>>>>>>>>>    Intelligent literate person, e.g. Prof. Canoza:
>>>>>>>>>>>    "This will redound to our benefit."
>>>>>>>>>> You are an arrogant ass
>>>>>>>>> Concession of defeat noted. You didn't refute a word I said.
>>>>>>>>> So why do you consider it impossible that the crook Trump could
>>>>>>> finally
>>>>>>>>> be dealt a just hand?
>>>>>>>> What evidence is there that Trump committed a felony?
>>>>>>> The evidence from the documents
>>>>>>> presented at trial
>>>>>>> >From the little I
>>>>>>>> saw, it was not presented during the trial. In fact, what was the
>>>>>>>> underlying crime?
>>>>>>> Trump ADMITTED committing the crime.
>>>>>>> "And on Tuesday, Trump seemed to outright
>>>>>>> admit he had done so, insisting to reporters
>>>>>>> crowded outside the courthouse that he marked
>>>>>>> the expenditures to Daniels via his former
>>>>>>> fixer and attorney Michael Cohen as a "legal
>>>>>>> expense."
>>>>>> He was only admitting to committing a crime if the money paid to Cohen was
>>>>>> *not*, in fact, a legal expense. Trump insists it was. Cohen said it wasn't,
>>>>>> because a) he never did any legal work for the Trump Organization, and b) paying
>>>>>> Clifford/Daniels the money was not "legal work" for Trump personally at the time
>>>>>> Cohen paid her.
>>>>>> The fact is, the money paid to Cohen by Trump personally or by the Trump
>>>>>> Organization was *not* for any legal work, meaning the business records were
>>>>>> falsified and the falsification was committed and/or ordered by Trump.
>>>>>> But we are left with the question as to why Hartung and the other
>>>>>> knuckle-draggers find it so unbelievable that this could be proved in a court of
>>>>>> law. It *was* proved, and it should not come as any surprise that Trump would do
>>>>>> this. He's been doing shit like this for his entire adult life, and even
>>>>>> earlier. He's a lifelong cheat and chiseler, and everyone knows it. He is the
>>>>>> cheat and chiseler that the knuckle-draggers, the deplorables, can only wish
>>>>>> they could be. That's why they adore him.
>>>>> Cohen is a convicted liar.
>>>> So is Trump.
>>> He hasn't been convicted of lying.
>> Falsification of business records is lying. Trump is a convicted liar.
> He falsified nothing.

He falsified 34 business records. He's a liar.

He raped E. Jean Carroll, Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

o Why do right-wingnuts find the trial and its outcome so surprising?

By: Rudy Canoza on Fri, 31 May 2024

18Rudy Canoza

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