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alt / alt.atheism / Re: EV News. Things are not going so well for EVs

Subject: Re: EV News. Things are not going so well for EVs
From: Maximus
Newsgroups: alt.atheism
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 02:00 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
From: gladiator@colosseum.rome (Maximus)
Newsgroups: alt.atheism
Subject: Re: EV News. Things are not going so well for EVs
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 12:00:43 +1000
Lines: 180
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Mitchell Holman wrote:
> "Andrew W" <> wrote in
> news:v20roa$er45$
>> "Mitchell Holman" wrote in message
>> news:XnsB1725A27D8D6B629555@
>>> "Andrew W" <> wrote in
>>> news:v1vo2c$6as5$
>>>> "Mitchell Holman" wrote in message
>>>> news:XnsB1724F4FCE480629555@
>>>>> "Andrew W" <> wrote in
>>>>> news:v1vjju$59gl$
>>>>>> "Mitchell Holman" wrote in message
>>>>>> news:XnsB17054324EE56629555@
>>>>>>> Maximus <gladiator@colosseum.rome> wrote in news:laamjtFgg1bU1
>>>>>>>> Mitchell Holman wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Maximus <gladiator@colosseum.rome> wrote in news:laad7cFf6mdU1
>>>>>>>>>> Mitchell Holman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Skeeter <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>> news:663fa0de$0$6449$
>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <XnsB16F5B33EFF8C629555@>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skeeter <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:663f7342$0
>>>>>>>>> $2363145
>>>>>>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <XnsB16F51A986A23629555@>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Andrew W" <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:v1nnh7$219nd$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Most people don't like recharging their phones every
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> day. They don't want to be recharging their cars as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bullshit.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I charge mine in my garage once a week.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No more visits to gas stations, no more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> oil changes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When is the last you gassed up your car
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at home?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A gas tank is cheaper than a battery.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My battery is holding up fine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> How is the same type of battery
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in your phone holding up?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Just fine. But not everyones is. I would rather replace a
>>>>>>>>>>>> fuel tank then a battery for a Barbie car.
>>>>>>>>>>> Gassing up your car = $80 per week.
>>>>>>>>>>> Charging up my car = free
>>>>>>>>>> it aint free. there's the cost of the electricity. also,
>>>>>>>>>> recent
>>>>>>> studies
>>>>>>>>>> show EV's are less economical to own and run ICE cars
>>>>>>>>> "Fuel - the electricity required to
>>>>>>>>> drive 15,000 miles per year in a
>>>>>>>>> compact electric vehicle costs an
>>>>>>>>> average of $546, while the amount
>>>>>>>>> of gas required to drive the same
>>>>>>>>> distance costs $1,255 (or 130%) more.
>>>>>>>>> Maintenance/Repair/Tires
>>>>>>>> tyres and brakes still have to be replaced. and probably more
>>>>>>> frequently
>>>>>>>> due to EV's being much heavier. the cost of repair is greater,
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> often
>>>>>>>> not even possible.
>>>>>>> Cost of what repair?
>>>>>>> My EV has maybe a dozen or
>>>>>>> so moving parts at best. After
>>>>>>> five years of driving the only
>>>>>>> thing I replaced are tires and
>>>>>>> a windshield.
>>>>>> You're trying to ignore the future.
>>>>> No, I am stating the present from
>>>>> my personal experience with the issue
>>>>> which you have none.
>>>> Your experience is fairly short. But you ignore what other owners
>>>> and experts are saying.
>>>> Maybe EVs are good for you but they're not for everyone everywhere.
>>> Actually you are right. EV's
>>> are not for everyone everywhere,
>>> no one said they were.
>> So you made this thread be about only your wonderful experience with
>> them (so far), plus a few here who agree with you.
> I didn't make this thread.
>>> And ICE
>>> vehicles are not for everyone
>>> everywhere.
>> That's right. We should no longer be using 150+ year old ancient
>> combustion tech any more. We are only doing so because of massive
>> corruption.
>>> Silent But Deadly: The Case for
>>> Electrifying Military Vehicles
>>> NOV 17, 2023
>> Corrupt Biden is pushing EVs like there's no tomorrow.
>> "Getting this fuel to remote areas of the world is an arduous task
>> that’s not only expensive..."
>> So is building recharging stations all over the place for military
>> use. And what if the enemy bombs the power stations? What then?
> And militaries haven't been
> bombing fuel depots for decades?

fuel depots can be numerous, located anywhere, and any size. charging
stations need the power grid. if power utilities are bombed all charging
stations connected to them will be disabled.

>>> U.S. Military Wants Its Vehicles to Go Electric
>>> 2/4/2022
>>> s- its--vehicles-to-go-electricwith-detroits-help
>>> Ukraine Military Is Using Electric Bikes
>>> For Stealth Anti-Tank Weapon Transport
>>> JUNE 6, 2022
>>> - using-electric-bikes-for-stealth-anti-tank-weapon-transport

“Atheism is the birth right of all human, remember that!”- hhyapster 7.4.23

"Christian beliefs fail against reason, facts, and knowledge"

"Religion is not about truth, it's about lifestyle"

"God is a convenient explanation for what man does not understand.
The less that's inexplicable, the less need for a 'God' explanation."

"The problem with theism is that it never remains within
the realm of belief, but invariably proceeds to assertion"

o Re: EV News. Things are not going so well for EVs

By: Mitchell Holman on Sat, 11 May 2024

65Mitchell Holman

rocksolid light 0.9.8
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