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alt / alt.atheism / Re: Hunter Biden's 51 spies who lied are well overdue for their day in court

Subject: Re: Hunter Biden's 51 spies who lied are well overdue for their day in court
From: Klaus Schadenfreude
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism,, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 22:15 UTC
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Subject: Re: Hunter Biden's 51 spies who lied are well overdue for their day
in court
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<vftu95$291d0$> <r4xUO.442119$FzW1.130711@fx14.iad>
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On 10/30/2024 2:51 PM, Skeeter-Shit "Lamey" Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted
child molester and another fucking do-nothing, posted another content-free batch
of lies:

> In article <r4xUO.442119$FzW1.130711@fx14.iad>, says...
>> On 10/30/2024 11:34 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>> news:byuUO.15964$Vuz4.578@fx08.iad...
>>>> On 10/30/2024 9:25 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>>>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>> Skeeter-Shit "Lamey" Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and
>>>>> another fucking do-nothing, posted another content-free batch of lies:
>>>>>> In article <Rq8UO.345428$v8v2.288031@fx18.iad>, says...
>>>>>>> On 10/29/2024 8:03 AM, Scout wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:NMPTO.587226$1m96.424417@fx15.iad...
>>>>>>>>> On 10/28/2024 8:42 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and >> >>
>>>>>>> gutless
>>>>>>>>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>> Skeeter-Shit "Lamey" Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child >>>
>>>>>>> molester and another fucking do-nothing, posted another >>> content-free
>>>>>>> batch of lies:
>>>>>>>>>>> In article <XIPSO.730960$_o_3.594314@fx17.iad>, >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/25/2024 7:22 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>> gutless
>>>>>>>>>>>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:K3wSO.324944$v8v2.116727@fx18.iad...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/24/2024 10:55 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper >>>>>
>>>>>>>>> and >>
>>>>>>>>>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Skeeter" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:671a7d07$0$212407$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <IAuSO.565408$1m96.83990@fx15.iad>, >>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/22/2024 12:28 PM, scooter, the drunken Virginia >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> camper and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> lied:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:whSRO.294433$EEm7.288781@fx16.iad...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/22/2024 11:32 AM, Mitchell Holman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>> chickenshit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Baxter" <> wrote in >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:vf8dfn$1h4b5$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skeeter <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:671715ef$2$1427653$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <XnsB212D3D254391629555@>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pothead <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:vf6m7g$14c6j$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-10-21, Skeeter >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>> <> >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>> <XnsB21254CACFA4C629555@>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pothead <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:vf4b3g$l15m$
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-10-21, Leroy N. Soetoro
>>>> [erase racist fascist KKK shitbag "Leroy Soetoro's" lies]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        There you have it, folks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        Prosecute all media that contradicts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Leader. His words are law, none must
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be allowed to say differently.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nope. Just the lying ones.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It was election interference plain and simple.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The FBI knew from the first week the Hunter laptop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surfaced
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it was real and so did the 51 Marxist liears who >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> letter.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        And yet Trump didn't even
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mention it while campaigning.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And his Justice Dept filed no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> criminal charges over it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "at this point what does it matter?"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hillary Clinton
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If "Hunter's Laptop" doesn't matter, why do you >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> conservaturds >>>>> keep
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whining about it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shows the corruption of the Biden Administration and >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>> willingness
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Democrats to cover up such crimes even as >>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>> attempting to >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>> impeach
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> others for the implication they did what Biden >>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>> actually did.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specifically engaging in a quid pro quo with Ukraine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No. That is bullshit. *Trump* is the only one who sought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a >>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /quid pro >>  >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> quo/ with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ukraine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We have Biden on camera confessing to it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nope.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> What is fake about it?
>>>>>>>>>>>> It's not the whole interview, scooter. It omits Biden stating the
>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>
>>>>>>> reasons why
>>>>>>>>>>>> the U.S. and the rest of the west wanted Shokin fired.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The quid (fire the prosecutor) the quo (you get the money)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Biden didn't want the prosecutor fired for his own interests, >>>>>
>>>>>>> scooter;
>>>>>>>>>> So we acknowledge your admission it was indeed a quid pro quo.
>>>>>>>>> But the /quid/ was not for Biden, scooter.
>>>>>>>> So Rudy acknowledges it was indeed a quid pro quo.
>>>>>>> You acknowledge that the /quid/ was not for Biden's or his son's personal
>>>>>>> benefit, while the one Trump offered was purely for his personal political
>>>>>>> benefit. That's the difference, scooter: Trump's action was corrupt and
>>>>>>> impeachable and Biden's was not. You stupidly believe that /quid pro quo/ is
>>>>>>> always inherently corrupt and wrong, and *you* are simply wrong, scooter.
>>>>>>> Every
>>>>>>> offer of employment is a legal and ethical /quid pro quo/, scooter: money for
>>>>>>> work effort, and work effort for money. Legal and ethical, scooter.
>>>>>>> I think we're done here, scooter. You have conceded that the /quid/ Biden
>>>>>>> sought
>>>>>>> was for the interest of the U.S., while the one Trump sought was purely ? and
>>>>>>> corruptly ? for his own personal political interest. Yep, we're done here ? or
>>>>>>> we *would* be except for your dishonesty and bad faith and delusion that
>>>>>>> you are
>>>>>>> a masterful troll. You're just not, scooter. You suck at it. You suck and you
>>>>>>> blow at it, scooter. None of your "gotcha" attempts ever "get" anything.
>>>>>> They "got" you. There is no reason to be concerned about a prosecutor in
>>>>>> another country unless you have a stake in it.
>>>> False.
>>> Really?
>> Yes, scooter. Skeeter-Shit "Lamey" Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell's statement:
>> There is no reason to be concerned about a prosecutor in
>> another country unless you [personally] have a stake in it.
>> is false, scooter.
>>> Biden seemed to think it was worth a Billion Dollars.
>> The U.S. government, not Biden, is who wanted the incompetent and corrupt
>> prosecutor Shokin fired, scooter. Biden was not seeking Shokin's firing on his
>> own account ? he was acting in the interests of the U.S. government and its
>> allies, scooter.
> Why did they want him fired? Why was it worth a billion dollars.
>>>>> Exactly,
>>>> Exactly wrong, scooter.
>>> That you are always exactly wrong?
>> That you are always exactly wrong, scooter. I've proved it.
>>>>> and if you look at my response, you see what got Democrats into a frenzy..
>>>>> another prosecutor was picking up the case and was going to investigate the
>>>>> same company the one they got fired was in the process of investigating.
>>>> That's a lie, scooter. Shokin, the one who was fired, was *not* investigating
>>>> the case,
>>> Cite.
>> No ? *you* provide a cite that he was, scooter.
>>> Because the Ukrainian President certainly seemed to feel he was.
>> No, scooter.
>>>> and no successor prosecutor was starting an investigation.
>>> So you're calling the Ukrainian President a liar?
>> No, I'm calling you a liar, scooter. Zelenskiy didn't say what you lie-claimed
>> he said, scooter.
>>>> Why do you lie so much, scooter?
>>> You are the one that lies so much.
>> No, scooter. I have proved that you are the one who lies in every post.
>>>> And why do you tell such spectacularly stupid lies?
>>> You do because
>> I don't, scooter. You do. You do it because you are spectacularly stupid, and
>> stupidly delude yourself into believing you masterfully play a stupid Usenet
>> trolling game ? a game at which you *suck*, scooter.
>>>> We know you're going to lie, scooter, but you ought to try to tell plausible
>>>> lies.
>>> You are the one that needs plausible lies.
>> Nope. That's you.
>>> text-pdf-1510770
>> I was already looking at that, scooter, and *nowhere* in it does Zelenskiy talk
>> about a new prosecutor undertaking an investigation of "Crowdstrike." You didn't
>> read the transcript, scooter. You just found a link to a page that has it and
>> puked that link into your post, but you didn't read the transcript. I just did,
>> scooter, and you lied about what Zelenskiy said.
>> Once again, scooter: try to tell plausible lies, not your absurd bullshit lies.
> You got slapped silly and outed all in one day.

o Re: Hunter Biden's 51 spies who lied are well overdue for their day in court

By: Klaus Schadenfreude on Wed, 30 Oct 2024

0Klaus Schadenfreude

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