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Q: What is the difference between Texas and yogurt? A: Yogurt has culture.

alt / alt.atheism / Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners

Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
From: Mitchell Holman
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: ViperNews -
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 02:01 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
From: (Mitchell Holman)
References: <ODsuI.19888$N%.9043@fx05.iad> <_vpyI.102672$od.4180@fx15.iad> <> <rxSRO.54739$KDwf.3770@fx01.iad> <> <vfb0tj$22men$> <XnsB21483D3AA2DA629555@> <67195f2d$11$16$> <vfdkis$2lias$> <671a5878$7$18$> <vfe0vn$2ntcu$> <XowSO.101994$S9Vb.43068@fx45.iad> <vfg9qt$37bp4$> <TJOSO.207007$15a6.58477@fx12.iad> <vfobip$128d2$> <ROPTO.587229$1m96.550329@fx15.iad> <vfqtn8$1jpg9$>
Organization: ViperNews -
Message-Id: <XnsB21AD57623A5D629555@>
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Lines: 201
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 02:01:49 +0000
Nntp-Posting-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 02:01:49 +0000
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"Scout" <> wrote in

> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
> news:ROPTO.587229$1m96.550329@fx15.iad...
>> On 10/28/2024 7:52 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>> news:TJOSO.207007$15a6.58477@fx12.iad...
>>>> On 10/25/2024 7:02 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:XowSO.101994$S9Vb.43068@fx45.iad...
>>>>>> On 10/24/2024 8:24 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>>>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>> Skeeter-Shit "Lamey" Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child
>>>>>>> molester and another fucking do-nothing, posted another
>>>>>>> content-free batch of lies:
>>>>>>>> In article <vfdkis$2lias$>,
>>>>>>>> scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless chickenshit
>>>>>>>> who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>> Skeeter-Shit "Lamey" Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted
>>>>>>>>> child molester and another fucking do-nothing, posted another
>>>>>>>>> content-free batch of lies:
>>>>>>>>> > In article <XnsB21483D3AA2DA629555@>,
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > says...
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>>>>>>>>> >> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>> >> > KKKlaun "Cunt Flaps" SchittenPantzen, impotent and
>>>>>>>>> >> > harmless Nazi >>
>>>>>>>>> > >> >
>>>>>>>>> fake Jew and cocksucking dwarf, lied:
>>>>>>>>> >> >> [Default] Rudy Canoza, the intellectual, moral,
>>>>>>>>> >> >> professional,
>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>
>>>>>>>>> social, literary and physical superior to KKKlaun >> >>
>>>>>>>>> SchittenPantzen, impotent and harmless Nazi fake Jew, *wrote*:
>> Yep! That certainly is the default, all right! *HA HA HA HA HA HA
>> HA HA HA*!
>>>>>>>>> >> >> [...]
>>>>>>>>> >> All death sentences are more expensive
>>>>>>>>> >> than incarceration costs.
>>>>>>>>> That's only because we make it into a circus, if we chose to
>>>>>>>>> do so, we could
>>>>>>>>> make it much cheaper by instead of retrying the case over and
>>>>>>>>> over and over,
>>>>>>>>> simply require that the defense show new evidence or new cause
>>>>>>>>> for why the
>>>>>>>>> convicted could possibly be show to be innocent, that a
>>>>>>>>> procedural error was
>>>>>>>>> made during the trial, or that evidence/testimony was
>>>>>>>>> reasonably tainted,
>>>>>>>>> corrupted or otherwise improper.
>>>>>>>>> If you can't show that to the court.. the conviction stands
>>>>>>>>> and the execution proceeds on track.
>>>>>>>>> Further, put a time limit on the whole thing. Say 4 years. If
>>>>>>>>> you can't make
>>>>>>>>> your case in that time... then it's all but certain you never
>>>>>>>>> all. Finally, if it is rejected by the appeals court.. that's
>>>>>>>>> the end of it.
>>>>>>>>> There, I've just eliminated 95% of the cost. Freeing up prison
>>>>>>>>> space and
>>>>>>>>> reducing expenses so we can house the next bad guy.
>>>>>>>>> >> But since you want
>>>>>>>>> >> these executions you don't mind paying for
>>>>>>>>> >> them, no?
>>>>>>>>> We already are. However, if you feel the costs are too high,
>>>>>>>>> we can certainly streamline the process by eliminating long
>>>>>>>>> times you can file and
>>>>>>>>> appeal, the endless stream of appeals, and narrow it down to a
>>>>>>>>> simply
>>>>>>>>> hearing in which the defense presents their case to a judge
>>>>>>>>> who decides
>>>>>>>>> whether any of the facts established at trial would need to be
>>>>>>>>> reexamined in
>>>>>>>>> the light of new evidence provided or proof of a procedural or
>>>>>>>>> judicial
>>>>>>>>> error.
>>>>>>>>> If you can't.. then you have no case. and the execution can be
>>>>>>>>> carried out
>>>>>>>>> immediately.
>>>>>>>>> See, it's not the execution that is so expensive but the
>>>>>>>>> endless round of
>>>>>>>>> appeals, stays, delays, and other legal maneuvers. As it is,
>>>>>>>>> you have the
>>>>>>>>> defense, a representative from the prosecutor's office and the
>>>>>>>>> judge who can
>>>>>>>>> review any new evidence or proof of errors made during trial
>>>>>>>>> that could
>>>>>>>>> reasonably impact the jury's finding.
>>>>>>>>> 3 people.. maybe 2 hours... and if it fails we can carry out
>>>>>>>>> the execution
>>>>>>>>> that evening.. without muss, fuss, or great cost.
>>>>>>>>> > Bullshit.
>>>>>>>>> True, the only expense really is on the defense.. the judge is
>>>>>>>>> already being
>>>>>>>>> paid a regular salary and the prosecutors similarly.
>>>>>>>>> However, if he wants to claim the appeal process is just too
>>>>>>>>> expensive.. I
>>>>>>>>> set out a plan above how to reduce that and the time needed
>>>>>>>>> for it.
>>>>>>>>> The only question now will be what his next excuse will be.
>>>>>>>> Just like when they say it costs to much to deport. Remove the
>>>>>>>> red tape
>>>>>>>> and send the fuckers home. Pretty simple.
>>>>>>> Yep, the cost to do so is minimal.. it's the BS that jacks up
>>>>>>> the price
>>>>>> That "BS" is what differentiates us from North Korea. If you want
>>>>>> to live in North Korea, go right ahead, scooter. But we are not
>>>>>> going to emulate North Korea.
>>>>> The problem is with North Korea the border walls are to keep the
>>>>> people IN.. ours on the other hand would be to keep them OUT.
>>>> That's not the problem, scooter.
>>> We know it's not a problem to
>> You don't understand anything about what is the problem, scooter.
> Your problem, thankfully, isn't my problem. You will have to work out
> your problems on your own.
>>>> The problem is that North Korea is a despotic dictatorship, and
>>>> that is the only reason they don't have due process.
>>> Much like Democrats during the era of Jim Crow, right?
>> All KKK and racists are Republiscums/QAnon today, scooter. The
>> parties switched on race, scooter. Catch up with the times, scooter.
> No they didn't.

Yes, they did.

Racist Strom Thurmond switched
to the GOP, racist David Duke switched
to the GOP, racist George Wallace left
the GOP for his own racist party.

The Ku Klux Klan officially endorses
Donald Trump for president
November 2 2016

o Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners

By: Rudy Canoza on Tue, 22 Oct 2024

156Rudy Canoza

rocksolid light 0.9.8
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