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alt / alt.atheism / Re: "25 Lies Kamala Harris Told In Her Debate Against Trump"

Subject: Re: "25 Lies Kamala Harris Told In Her Debate Against Trump"
From: Attila
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism,, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: UsenetServer -
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 10:58 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4
From: (Attila)
Subject: Re: "25 Lies Kamala Harris Told In Her Debate Against Trump"
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On Mon, 16 Sep 2024 21:10:53 -0700, J Carlson
<> in alt.atheism with message-id
<vcavgf$3apfu$> wrote:

>On 9/16/2024 1:19 PM, Attila wrote:
>> On Sat, 14 Sep 2024 09:30:29 -0700, J Carlson
>> <> in alt.atheism with message-id
>> <vc4dn6$1hj31$> wrote:
>>> On 9/11/2024 7:01 AM, David Hartung wrote:
>>>> Looks like the Democrat lie machine is alive and well:
>>> That's a lie site, and every so-called "lie" they cited from Harris is not a
>>> lie. I read all of them, and they're all lies by "federalis," but I'm not going
>>> to address all of them here. The first five are enough:
>>> 1. ‘Middle-Class Kid’
>>> Harris claimed that she grew up a “middle-class kid.” That is not true.
>>> That's a lie. It *is* true. Having two parents who full-time professors quite
>>> likely makes the family "upper" middle class, but it's still middle class. And
>>> Harris's mother eventually became a single mother. Federalist Lie #1
>>> 2. Trump’s Tax Cuts
>>> Harris falsely insinuated that the 2017 tax cuts approved by the Trump
>>> administration disproportionately benefited America’s billionaires and
>>> corporations.
>>> It is *not* a false insinuation. *Absolutely* Trump's tax cuts benefited the rich.
>>> 3. Trump ‘Sales Tax’
>>> Harris claimed Trump will implement a “sales tax.” Trump has not pledged
>>> to do such a thing if elected president.
>>> Trump's proposed tariffs *absolutely* are sales taxes. They are without question
>>> taxes, and they raise the prices paid by consumers *exactly* as a literal sales
>>> tax does. They are not calculated and levied at the point of sale, as sales
>>> taxes typically are, but they are sales taxes all the same.
>>> 4. Jan. 6
>>> Harris contended that the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol was the
>>> “worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” Contrary to Harris’
>>> claim, [bullshit erased]
>>> Harris is *absolutely* correct that the Jan. 6 2021 *insurrection* was the worst
>>> attack on our democracy since the Civil War. Fuck off with your whingeing about
>>> democracy vs republic: "democracy," specifically "our democracy," is the most
>>> widely used term to describe the American system of government. Whatever label
>>> you want to use for our system of government, Trump's *insurrection* — yes, it
>>> was an insurrection — was the worst attack on our constitutional system of
>>> government since the Civil War. This is not in rational dispute.
>>> 5. Project 2025
>>> Harris claimed Trump will implement Project 2025 if elected. Trump has
>>> repeatedly said he has nothing to do with Project 2025.
>>> That is simply a lie. Trump knows *all* of the chief "architects" [sic] of
>>> Project 2025, and he has discussed what they're doing with them. Trump has
>>> *publicly* advocated many of the fascist provisions of the document.
>>> The remaining 20 statements by "federalist" are all lies.
>>> Harris didn't tell a single lie during the debate. Trump told dozens. Trump lied
>>> the entire 90 minutes.
>> I have been following politics to some extent since John F
>> Kenned was elected president. I have noticed every
>> politician lies, cheats, steals, backstabs, and is totally
>> focused on one thing and one thing only - the next election.
>That's a lie.

What part and why?

>> Anyone who believes anything any politician says is a fool.
>Most politicians tell the truth most of the time — all but Trump and George Santos.

Are you familiar with Adam Schiff?

On June 21, 2023, the House of Representatives censured
Schiff in a party-line vote on H.Res. 521, which
investigated his role as Chairman of the Intelligence
Committee in promoting the "conspiracy theory" that Donald
Trump colluded with Russia in the 2016 United States
presidential election.[91] The resolution established that
Schiff misled the American public with "falsehoods,
misrepresentations and abuses of sensitive information"
about the election and as part of the first impeachment of
Donald Trump.[92][93] Schiff has denied the allegations,
calling them "defamatory".

>> They are not interested in solving any problems
>That's a lie.
>> Lies are never lies but "political positions" and
>Sometimes they are obviously lies and it costs them.

Not enough.

>> In my entire over sixty four years of observing these
>> professional liars, thieves, cheats, schemers, and
>> altogether loathsome creatures wallowing in their natural
>> environment I have never seen anything like the level of
>> total and complete hatred shown Donald Trump.
>He earned it. He richly deserves it. He earned it in spaces even *before* his
>insurrection, but the insurrection sealed it for all time. No president who lost
>an election ever tried to steal an unearned term as Trump did.

Yet he has never been charged with insurrection even though
he has been charged with everything else the Dims could
think of. He has one conviction which is under appeal.

>> The entire Democrat party
>There is no such party.

Democrat Mob?

Or the Dims as I call them.

Democrats are insane. No, actually they are predictability

They are all about votes to put their agenda into law. A
large number of them are dependent on government programs of
some type such as Medicare, Social Security, welfare, food
stamps, and dozens of other programs that give income to
those who have not earned it. Basically income

These people look at what they have and support those they
trust to continue the something for nothing policies. They
line up in droves for those who will promise to give them
even more, whether it is free medical care, college
education, a higher minimum wage, or a minimum
government provided income for all.

They don't care where the money is coming from as long as
they get their free stuff. Many if not most of them know
nothing about economics and care even less. All they care
about is whether or not they will get their free stuff this
month and possibly more next month. Most of them cannot
understand or care that someone must pay
somewhere - as far as they are concerned it's government
money, their experience is that the government always has
money, and they cannot conceive of anything else. Many of
them have never earned a taxable dollar in their life and as
far as they are concerned anybody who makes enough to pay
taxes is making too much and they are entitled to it.

They will vote for anyone who promises them to continue
their free stuff, and especially those who will add to it,
and reflexively attack with any weapon handy anyone they
perceive as trying to end this situation. False
accusations, physical assaults, direct lies - nothing is
barred and all is permitted in the name of continuing those
free handouts.

When this becomes the actual numerical majority so that they
can vote into office anyone who supports their cause of more
free stuff and politically (and sometimes literally) destroy
anyone who stands in their way the result will be a
combination of any or all of a war of aggression to gain
wealth to support the economy or a depression that
will make the Great Depression of the 1930's look like a
day at Disneyland.

At any rate it will be time for all sane educated people who
understand just what is going on to dig a hole, jump in, and
pull it in after them.

>> has been focused to one thing to the
>> exclusion of all else - the destruction of Donald Trump.
>That's a lie. But the *political* destruction of Trump is a very high priority
>for them, as it should be — as it should be for all right-thinking Americans.

Not by my definition of right-thinking. Or free thinking.

>> There is nothing they will not do or say that does not
>> involve this goal.
>That's a lie.

They prove it every day. One way is by constantly repeating
lies that have been proven false by actual recordings both
audio and visual.

>> They elected Biden President because he
>> is not Donald Trump even though there is no legal way for
>> someone to work exclusively for the Government of over 50
>> years and earn enough money to become a multi-millionaire,
>> especially with a high maintenance family such as his.
>Joe Biden's net worth is estimated at about $10 million. Nearly all of that was
>accumulated in the first few years after leaving the vice presidency, especially
>in 2017. He and his wife earned the money honestly. They both had best-selling
>books published, and Joe earned very high speaking fees, as former presidents
>and vice presidents typically do.

Aside from capitalizing on his political history why should
anyone be interested? Perhaps such paid books and
appearances should be banned.

Of course, Congress would exempt itself from such a ban.

As far as his wife is concerned why should anyone be
interested in what some obscure community college professor
has to say? I have known a number of PhD's and none of them
ever demanded to be called Doctor. Of course none of them
were self-centered egomaniacs with delusions of grandeur

There is a very good Forbes page detailing
>their income from 2017-2020 here:
>Biden earned his money honestly, legally and ethically.

Sure he did. There are hundreds of other examples of people
who became rich by being a politician, frequently by
ignoring the law and having their spouse invest based on
insider information.

>> And now the entire mob is pulling out all of the stops to
>> try to elect Chuckles Harris, who obviously cannot walk
>> across a room by herself without tripping. But that doesn't
>> matter - she is not Donald Trump and that is all that
>> counts.
>She is far more talented than a hyper-partisan fuckwit like you could ever hope
>to grasp. However, not being Trump is a very important qualification. It's not
>"all" that counts, but it can't be discounted.

Perhaps she can feed herself. That evidence has not been

>> I stand disgusted at all politicians but especially those
>> who advocate the anybody but Trump position.
>No, the anybody-but-Trump position is one of the defining characteristics of a
>moral person in the U.S. at this time.

I support him based upon his record as President.

>> They do not oppose his policies, positions, or anything at all other
>> than the fact that his name is Donald Trump.
>That's a lie. We oppose:
> * his embrace of foreign tyrants
> * his embrace of domestic Nazis like you
> * his racism
> * his hatred of immigrants and all non-whites
> * his tax cuts that almost exclusively help plutocrats
> * his grifting
> * his raping and demeaning of women (and all the rest of his misogyny)
> * his perversion of U.S. foreign policy for his domestic political gain
> * his insurrections and soft coups
> * his pardons of felons *only* because they are his political cronies
> * his overall general criminality

Nonsense. How about Biden and his open efforts to buy votes
buy ignoring the Supreme Court and trying to use taxpayers
dollars to pay off as many student loans as he can get away
with and supporting procedures that allow illegals to vote?

Don't bother saying only citizens can vote. There are
millions of people here illegally (despite the efforts of
the Dims to make as many of them here legally as possible)
who can register to vote by simply checking a box on a voter
application form. Of course, none of them would lie, even
after breaking Federal law by entering the country illegally
would they?

Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. driving privilege,
welfare. food stamps, and just about every other activity
requires some kind of identification. Why not voter

In fact, aside from fast food what else doesn't require ID?

>There are hundreds — nay, *thousands* — of reasons to loathe and hate Donald
>Trump and want to see him dead.

I see TDS is alive and well.

>> [snip the rest of 84+ year old Nazi's rabid foam.
>Fuck off.

Nope. You have my age wrong too.

I am 85. And expect to vote for Trump for the third time


Build a Wall.
Deport them all.

Go WOKE. Go Broke.

Stop DEI (Dumbass Egotistical Idiocy),
the Green Raw Deal, Income redistribution,
and Social anything.

Let them DIE.

Did the last sane person leaving California
remember to turn out the lights? The Rotten

Facts are the reality whether or not you
want to hear them.

The most dangerous enemies the United States has:

Chuckles Harris and her supporters like
the Sluts and Pimps including
Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman,
Cori Bush, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Jerry Nadler,
Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Cory Booker. They
have stepped over the line and are working against
the country and what it stands for.

o Re: "25 Lies Kamala Harris Told In Her Debate Against Trump"

By: Attila on Mon, 16 Sep 2024


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