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alt / alt.atheism / Re: Brief Exposure of The Pagan Religion of Heliocentrism

Subject: Re: Brief Exposure of The Pagan Religion of Heliocentrism
From: Kualinar
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy, alt.atheism, sci.astro
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 14:32 UTC
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From: (Kualinar)
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy,alt.atheism,sci.astro
Subject: Re: Brief Exposure of The Pagan Religion of Heliocentrism
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 10:32:50 -0400
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Le 2024-07-04 à 23:01, Saros Cycle a écrit :
> [Religious troll cross-post to removed in follow-up.]
> On Thu, 04 Jul 2024 13:00:21 +0000
> Mitchell Holman <> wrote:
>> "Andrew" <> wrote in
>> news:VrphO.16381$eAJ1.2158@fx03.ams4:
>>> "Mitchell Holman" wrote in message
>>> news:XnsB1A352275DA61629555@
>>>> Daniel70 wrote:
>>>>> Mitchell Holman wrote:
>>>>>> "Andrew" wrote:
>>>>>>> "Kualinar" wrote:
>>>>>>>> bertietaylor a _f__crit :
>>>>>>>>> Big bang is even more nonsensical.
> You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.
Not at all.
YOU are attempting to divert the discussion.
>>>>>>>> Despite the 1000's of supporting evidences ?
>>>>>>> Is it in harmony with the laws of science,
>>>>>>> or is it _contrary to_ the laws of science?
>>>>>>> If one wants the truth, they will go with
>>>>>>> the science, not contrary to the science..
> You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.
> The scientific 'community' is clearly steeped in the worship of
> Helios-Apollo. You are intentionally avoiding this fact.

The scientific community DO NOT worship ANY god.
YOU are lying when you pretend that science is a religion, that
scientists are «worshipping Helios-Apollo»

>>>>>> The science says the Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
> You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.
Not at all.
YOU are attempting to hijack this discussion.
>>>>>> How old does your Bible say it is?
> You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.
Not at all.
YOU are attempting to hijack this discussion.
>>>>> Wasn't there a C of E Minister who, in the late 1800's, worked
>>>>> out the Biblical World was about 6,000 years old?? or was it made
>>>>> about 6,000 B.C.??
> You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.
Not at all.
YOU are attempting to hijack this discussion.
>>>> Martin Luther came to the same conclusion.
>>>> But "Andrew" always runs away when I ask
>>>> him this question, just as he did here.
>>> I previously gave you the exact age of the Earth.
> You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.
Not at all.
YOU are attempting to hijack this discussion.
>> Not in years you didn't.
>> "The age of the Earth stems
>> from when the Earth was created"
>> is not an answer.
>> But humor us and post it here.
> The subject is neither the age of the earth as believed by some
> atheist lickspittle nor by the credo of some Christian wing nut. The
> subject of this thread is in the subject line:
> "Brief Exposure of The Pagan Religion of Heliocentrism"
There is NO heliodentrism, but a scientific heliocentric model that
work, can make predictions.
> This is the subject you are attempting to divert the thread away from.
> You are doing this intentionally, with the purpose of derailing the
> evidence that shows NASA is using taxpayer money to iconify and promote
> Helios-Apollo worship. You want people to argue about atheism vs.
> christianism, or creationism vs. evolution. But you don't want
> discussion about the sun cult religion of the ruling class. It is
> obvious that is the intent of your distraction.
There is NO Helios-Apollo worship in the NASA. The NASA DO NOT promote
ANY worship.
There is NO Sun cult.
> It is established and verifiable that Heliocentrism is a very ancient
> religion of the ruling class many centuries before the scientific age.
> It's not an opinion or a conjecture but clearly established in the
> historical record. Why are you distracting from the exposure of
> the religion of the ruling class with your own astroturf peasant
> religions?
YOU are attempting to make us believe that a non-existent cult must
exist. The Apollo cult died when the Roman state religion became Christian.
> Both atheism and Christianity are peasant religions invented by the same
> ruling class to keep the people divided and fighting each other instead
> of fighting their rulers. You are slaves, playing slave games according
> to your master's rule book.
Atheism IS NOT a religion. It is as much a religion as laying on a couch
is a professional sport, or not collecting stamps a hobby.
Atheism is absolutely a NON-religion, an absence of religion.
> Let's get back on topic. This thread exposes how the ruling class
> concocted heliocentrism more than 2500 years ago, and codified their
> sun worship under the deity named Helios-Apollo. They already named the
> planets after their deities, and displayed their minor deities orbiting
> their sun god, long before the modern 'scientific' version of
> heliocentrism. So history shows it is a ancient religion. So atheist
> materialists who claim it as, 'science' are being either stupid or
> disingenuous, since heliocentrism is a religion of solar worship more
> than 2000 years prior to modern heliocentric theory.
The only thing that happened 2500 years ago was realizing that the Earth
is a globe. Back then, it was believed that the Earth was at the centre
of everything. It was NOT heliocentric but totally GEOCENTRIC.
In the heliocentric model, the Sun is not a divine entity, but a massive
ball of very hot gases fuelled by thermonuclear reaction at it's centre.
> I suppose it is too much to ask for something other than addle-pated
> retorts and popinjay reguritata you read in some textbook or ruling
> class publication.
>>> But you just want to argue. The important thing
>>> is that we are here now, and that we may have
>>> salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ..
> This is not the subject of the thread. You are attempting to distract
> from the subject and slide the forum into arguing over your own
> religious woo woo. If the majority of the people realized that their
> rulers worship a sun devil that would do more for 'salvation' of the
> nations than the last 1500 years of the decrepit Christian religion,
> which worships the same sun devil, Apollo.
Christianity worship Yahweh, NOT Apollo.
>>> Therefore learn of Him, and in the future realm
>>> He will unfold before you the mysteries of this
>>> vast Universe of which we may now have only
>>> a faint glimpse of.
> Again the subject is the heliocentric religion of Apollo worship. Stick
Again... The heliocentric model IS NOT a religion.
> to the subject and stop distracting. NASA publicly worships Apollo,
Again... The NASA DO NOT worship ANY god.
> using taxpayer funds to promote the religion of Rome. NASA publicly
Again... The NASA DO NOT promote ANY religion.
> promotes the pantheon of the Roman gods. That is their religion. It is
> in their iconography. It is in their imagery. It is in their very
> spoken and written words. They are sun worshipers. Why are sun
> worshipers using so-called science and space and taxpayer money to force
> their religion on the public?
> The Roman deity of the ruling class does not exist. There is no Apollo.
> There is no Shiva, or Kalki, or Helios, or any of their versions of
> their deity. They attack Christians and the Christian deity, but nobody
> ever bothers to attack their solar deity.
And... Some empty claims.
> Apollo is a figment of their imagination. Their luciferian pipe dreams
> are the product of diseased minds given them by the devil, who is their
> true god and master. Why does anyone tolerate their sun god religion
> being plastered all over the country at taxpayer expense? Why are people
> arguing about occasional Christian prayers made in public while NASA
> expends billions of dollars paying for tribute to the luciferian deity
> Apollo? Are you all really that stupid? Or are you complicit?
Following that reasoning, the armies of the USA are using tax payers
money to promote the cult of Mars-Ares, the god of war, with a DAILY
budget close to the YEARLY budget of the NASA.
> To refresh your memory and defeat the forum sliding tactics of the
> trolls the original expose of the heliocentric religion is reproduced
> below. Every time I notice a troll forum sliding I will re-post the
> original article.
Again, the heliocentric MODEL is NOT a religion. Nor even close.
> Notice that Kualinar has not responded. Nor has he apologized for the
> misinformation he presented. Likely he nymshifted to start arguing
> about biblical creation to derail the thread from the original subject
> of the heliocentric religion of Apollo being promoted for decades at
> taxpayer expense.
> The copied portion begins.
>> Apollo is NOT a Sun god, but the god of MEDICINE as well as the
>> MESSENGER of the gods of the Roman pantheon.
>> Apollo never required any live sacrifices.
>> Get your religions straight and stop pooping your blatant lies.
> You say, "Apollo is NOT a Sun god." History says the opposite. They
> absolutely do consider Apollo to be their sun god, as shown below in
> quotes. It is you who needs to iron out the wrinkles in religions.
> First proof of Apollo as sun god:
> "In spaceflight, the 1960s and 1970s NASA program for orbiting and
> landing astronauts on the Moon was named after Apollo, by NASA manager
> Abe Silverstein: Apollo riding his chariot across the Sun was
> appropriate to the grand scale of the proposed program. — Abe
> Silverstein, Release 69-36"
NON relevant. NOT a proof.
> Yet Kualinar says, "Apollo is NOT a Sun god." And he is wrong. Will he
> recant his lie?
> Second proof of Apollo as sun god:
> "Apollo has a unique connection to modern culture through space travel.
> Drawing on his association with the sun (an association that, contrary
> to popular belief, did not enter Apollo’s theology until relatively
> late), NASA named their famous moon-bound space program after Apollo.
> They hoped to emulate the exceptionally accurate archer in their
> journey to the moon." {}
NON relevant. NOT a proof.
> Yet Kualinar says, "Apollo is NOT a Sun god." And he is wrong. Will he
> recant his lie?
> By, "relatively late" the author considers 500 BC to be 'relatively
> late' in the long history of Apollo worship. Apollo has been variously
> represented as a sun god for over 2500 years. For you to call that a
> lie, makes you the liar!
> Yet Kualinar says, "Apollo is NOT a Sun god." And he is wrong. Will he
> recant his lie?
> Even more historians know and express the connection between Apollo and
> Helios as the same sun-god.
> The ruling class of the United States worship the Roman deity, Apollo.
> They adorn all their capitol buildings with Roman deities, Roman
> statues, and Roman frescoes of their deities. Meanwhile hordes of
> useful idiots argue about distractions that matter not. You are slaves.
> And I hate to say it but you deserve to be slaves.
The ruling class of the USA actually worship Jesus and the Christian god
as well as the Holy Dollar.

o Brief Exposure of The Pagan Religion of Heliocentrism

By: Saros Cycle on Thu, 27 Jun 2024

59Saros Cycle

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