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alt / alt.atheism / Re: Brief Exposure of The Pagan Religion of Heliocentrism

Subject: Re: Brief Exposure of The Pagan Religion of Heliocentrism
From: Saros Cycle
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy, alt.atheism, sci.astro
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Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 03:01 UTC
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From: 18@11.8 (Saros Cycle)
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy,alt.atheism,sci.astro
Subject: Re: Brief Exposure of The Pagan Religion of Heliocentrism
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2024 22:01:12 -0500
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[Religious troll cross-post to removed in follow-up.]

On Thu, 04 Jul 2024 13:00:21 +0000
Mitchell Holman <> wrote:

> "Andrew" <> wrote in
> news:VrphO.16381$eAJ1.2158@fx03.ams4:
> > "Mitchell Holman" wrote in message
> > news:XnsB1A352275DA61629555@
> >> Daniel70 wrote:
> >>> Mitchell Holman wrote:
> >>>> "Andrew" wrote:
> >>>>> "Kualinar" wrote:
> >>>>>> bertietaylor a _f__crit :
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Big bang is even more nonsensical.

You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.

> >>>>>> Despite the 1000's of supporting evidences ?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Is it in harmony with the laws of science,
> >>>>> or is it _contrary to_ the laws of science?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If one wants the truth, they will go with
> >>>>> the science, not contrary to the science..

You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.
The scientific 'community' is clearly steeped in the worship of
Helios-Apollo. You are intentionally avoiding this fact.

> >>>> The science says the Earth is 4.5 billion years old.

You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.

> >>>> How old does your Bible say it is?

You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.

> >>> Wasn't there a C of E Minister who, in the late 1800's, worked
> >>> out the Biblical World was about 6,000 years old?? or was it made
> >>> about 6,000 B.C.??

You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.

> >>
> >> Martin Luther came to the same conclusion.
> >>
> >> But "Andrew" always runs away when I ask
> >> him this question, just as he did here.
> >
> > I previously gave you the exact age of the Earth.

You are attempting to forum slide the discussion away from the subject.

> Not in years you didn't.
> "The age of the Earth stems
> from when the Earth was created"
> is not an answer.
> But humor us and post it here.

The subject is neither the age of the earth as believed by some
atheist lickspittle nor by the credo of some Christian wing nut. The
subject of this thread is in the subject line:

"Brief Exposure of The Pagan Religion of Heliocentrism"

This is the subject you are attempting to divert the thread away from.
You are doing this intentionally, with the purpose of derailing the
evidence that shows NASA is using taxpayer money to iconify and promote
Helios-Apollo worship. You want people to argue about atheism vs.
christianism, or creationism vs. evolution. But you don't want
discussion about the sun cult religion of the ruling class. It is
obvious that is the intent of your distraction.

It is established and verifiable that Heliocentrism is a very ancient
religion of the ruling class many centuries before the scientific age.
It's not an opinion or a conjecture but clearly established in the
historical record. Why are you distracting from the exposure of
the religion of the ruling class with your own astroturf peasant

Both atheism and Christianity are peasant religions invented by the same
ruling class to keep the people divided and fighting each other instead
of fighting their rulers. You are slaves, playing slave games according
to your master's rule book.

Let's get back on topic. This thread exposes how the ruling class
concocted heliocentrism more than 2500 years ago, and codified their
sun worship under the deity named Helios-Apollo. They already named the
planets after their deities, and displayed their minor deities orbiting
their sun god, long before the modern 'scientific' version of
heliocentrism. So history shows it is a ancient religion. So atheist
materialists who claim it as, 'science' are being either stupid or
disingenuous, since heliocentrism is a religion of solar worship more
than 2000 years prior to modern heliocentric theory.

I suppose it is too much to ask for something other than addle-pated
retorts and popinjay reguritata you read in some textbook or ruling
class publication.

> > But you just want to argue. The important thing
> > is that we are here now, and that we may have
> > salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ..

This is not the subject of the thread. You are attempting to distract
from the subject and slide the forum into arguing over your own
religious woo woo. If the majority of the people realized that their
rulers worship a sun devil that would do more for 'salvation' of the
nations than the last 1500 years of the decrepit Christian religion,
which worships the same sun devil, Apollo.

> > Therefore learn of Him, and in the future realm
> > He will unfold before you the mysteries of this
> > vast Universe of which we may now have only
> > a faint glimpse of.

Again the subject is the heliocentric religion of Apollo worship. Stick
to the subject and stop distracting. NASA publicly worships Apollo,
using taxpayer funds to promote the religion of Rome. NASA publicly
promotes the pantheon of the Roman gods. That is their religion. It is
in their iconography. It is in their imagery. It is in their very
spoken and written words. They are sun worshipers. Why are sun
worshipers using so-called science and space and taxpayer money to force
their religion on the public?

The Roman deity of the ruling class does not exist. There is no Apollo.
There is no Shiva, or Kalki, or Helios, or any of their versions of
their deity. They attack Christians and the Christian deity, but nobody
ever bothers to attack their solar deity.

Apollo is a figment of their imagination. Their luciferian pipe dreams
are the product of diseased minds given them by the devil, who is their
true god and master. Why does anyone tolerate their sun god religion
being plastered all over the country at taxpayer expense? Why are people
arguing about occasional Christian prayers made in public while NASA
expends billions of dollars paying for tribute to the luciferian deity
Apollo? Are you all really that stupid? Or are you complicit?

To refresh your memory and defeat the forum sliding tactics of the
trolls the original expose of the heliocentric religion is reproduced
below. Every time I notice a troll forum sliding I will re-post the
original article.

Notice that Kualinar has not responded. Nor has he apologized for the
misinformation he presented. Likely he nymshifted to start arguing
about biblical creation to derail the thread from the original subject
of the heliocentric religion of Apollo being promoted for decades at
taxpayer expense.

The copied portion begins.

> Apollo is NOT a Sun god, but the god of MEDICINE as well as the
> MESSENGER of the gods of the Roman pantheon.
> Apollo never required any live sacrifices.
> Get your religions straight and stop pooping your blatant lies.

You say, "Apollo is NOT a Sun god." History says the opposite. They
absolutely do consider Apollo to be their sun god, as shown below in
quotes. It is you who needs to iron out the wrinkles in religions.

First proof of Apollo as sun god:

"In spaceflight, the 1960s and 1970s NASA program for orbiting and
landing astronauts on the Moon was named after Apollo, by NASA manager
Abe Silverstein: Apollo riding his chariot across the Sun was
appropriate to the grand scale of the proposed program. — Abe
Silverstein, Release 69-36"

Yet Kualinar says, "Apollo is NOT a Sun god." And he is wrong. Will he
recant his lie?

Second proof of Apollo as sun god:

"Apollo has a unique connection to modern culture through space travel.
Drawing on his association with the sun (an association that, contrary
to popular belief, did not enter Apollo’s theology until relatively
late), NASA named their famous moon-bound space program after Apollo.
They hoped to emulate the exceptionally accurate archer in their
journey to the moon." {}

Yet Kualinar says, "Apollo is NOT a Sun god." And he is wrong. Will he
recant his lie?

By, "relatively late" the author considers 500 BC to be 'relatively
late' in the long history of Apollo worship. Apollo has been variously
represented as a sun god for over 2500 years. For you to call that a
lie, makes you the liar!

Yet Kualinar says, "Apollo is NOT a Sun god." And he is wrong. Will he
recant his lie?

Even more historians know and express the connection between Apollo and
Helios as the same sun-god.

Third proof of Apollo as sun god:

"Phoebus-Apollo was the god of light in a twofold signification: first,
as representing the great orb of day which illumines the world; and
secondly, as the heavenly light which animates the soul of man. He
inherited his function as sun-god from Helios, with whom, in later
times, he was so completely identified, that the personality of the one
became gradually merged in that of the other. We, accordingly, find
Helios frequently confounded with Apollo, myths belonging to the former
attributed to the latter; and with some tribes—the Ionic, for
instance—so complete is this identification, that Apollo is called by
them Helios-Apollo."

Yet Kualinar says, "Apollo is NOT a Sun god." And he is wrong. Will he
recant his lie?

Fourth proof of Apollo as sun god:

"From the 5th century BCE, Apollo, originally a deity of radiant
purity, was more and more interpreted as a sun god. Under the Roman
Empire the sun itself came to be worshipped as the Unconquered Sun."

This shows that they consider Apollo the sun deity. What you say is
false and ignorant. And in your pride you hold your ignorance up as

Yet Kualinar says, "Apollo is NOT a Sun god." And he is wrong. Will he
recant his lie?

Apollo, sometimes called Helios, as the two have been often conflated
for over 2500 years, has been considered by many as the sun god since
at least the 5th century BC. All the Roman emperors since Augustus have
iconified Apollo as Sol Invictus, the unconquerable sun, and had
statues of themselves made with the rays and regalia of Apollo as the
sun god. Constantine and others depcicted themselves as Apollo with his
chariot riding across the sun. Circe is the Church, the daughter of
Helios or Apollo.

The Heliocentrist religion is the religion of the Hermetecists. They
worship the sun-god, Apollo (or Helios) and the other nine deities of
the pantheon encircle and bow to their solar deity. You know these
deities as the planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune,
and Pluto, and the moon. These are the gods of the Hermetic pantheon
who all bow to Helios or Apollo, the sun. This belief that the ancient
planets 'orbit' the sun god is very ancient. A very ancient inscription
shows this belief that the nine planets are 'gods' who encircle the sun

"141-146: Apollo, as it is prescribed for you in those books - and for
this reason may every good fortune attend the Roman people, the
Quirites - let sacrifice be made to you with nine popana, and nine
cakes, and nine phthoes. I beg and pray. [The rest as above.] Apollo,
just as I have offered popana and prayed to you with proper prayer, for
this same reason be honored with these sacrificial cakes. Become
favorable and propitious. [The same was said concerning the phthoes. To
Diana in the same words.]" {}

Notice that the offering is nine of each number, for the eight planets
and the moon. This is the true origin of Heliocentrism. Heliocentrism
is Satan worship. It is warfare against the true Creator God. It is the
worship of the sun, moon, and stars as deities. Why else did the
'science community' name them after Greco-Roman deities, if not for the
purposes of worship? Why didn't they name them after saints, or
Apostles, or prophets? Why didn't they name them after kings and
queens? Why pagan deities?

But the earth is level and stationary, not a ball orbiting a burning
ball of hydrogen and helium gas. All the heavenly bodies orbit Polaris
exactly as your eyes show you. The heliocentric religion has bewitched
your mind to deny what you see with your own eyes. Polaris is the
center of the celestial sphere, around which all things orbit
unchangingly for thousand of years. Polaris is not light years distant.
It is close to the earth as are the other heavenly lights.

Will Kualinar double down on his false pride, or will he be one of the
few to break free from the mental prison of heliocentrism and find the
true light, Jesus Christ? Or will he remain a mind slave to the god of
Rome, the devil of the Bible record?

The truth has been shown to you. Decide this day between spiritual
light or spiritual darkness. The earth is level and stationary. It is
not a ball rocketing through a vacuum. The earth is bounded, and
watched over by God and angels. The world is ruled by devil worshipers
who hate the gospel because they want to be god. They will concoct any
lie, any war, and crime to achieve their vile purpose. They will enlist
millions of useful idiots to carry their poison message. What will you

The copied portion ends.

The ruling class of the United States worship the Roman deity, Apollo.
They adorn all their capitol buildings with Roman deities, Roman
statues, and Roman frescoes of their deities. Meanwhile hordes of
useful idiots argue about distractions that matter not. You are slaves.
And I hate to say it but you deserve to be slaves.

o Brief Exposure of The Pagan Religion of Heliocentrism

By: Saros Cycle on Thu, 27 Jun 2024

59Saros Cycle

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