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alt / alt.atheism / Re: They Still Believe His Lies! Failure & Felon Trump's 40 Broken Promises While In Office 2020

Subject: Re: They Still Believe His Lies! Failure & Felon Trump's 40 Broken Promises While In Office 2020
From: Skeeter
Newsgroups:, or.politics, alt.politics.trump, talk.politics.guns,, alt.atheism
Organization: UTB
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 14:52 UTC
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From: (Skeeter)
Subject: Re: They Still Believe His Lies! Failure & Felon Trump's 40 Broken Promises While In Office 2020
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 08:52:27 -0600
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In article <v489mr$ncdq$>, says...
> Trump?s 40 Biggest Broken Promises
> The president talks a good game?but it?s just talk.
> by Robert Reich
> Trump voters. Nearly four years in, here?s an updated list of Trump?s 40
> biggest broken promises.
> 1. He said coronavirus would ?go away without a vaccine.? You bought it.
> But it didn?t. While other countries got the pandemic under control and
> avoided large numbers of fatalities, the virus has killed more than 170,000
> Americans, and that number is still climbing.
> 2. He said he won?t have time to play golf if elected president. But he has
> made more than 250 visits to his golf clubs since he took office?a record
> for any president?including more trips during the pandemic than meetings
> with Dr. Fauci. The total financial cost to America? More than $136
> million.
> 3. He said he would repeal the Affordable Care Act, and replace it with
> something ?beautiful.? It didn?t happen. Instead, seven million Americans
> have lost their health insurance since he took office. He has asked the
> Supreme Court to strike down the law in the middle of a global pandemic
> with no plan to replace it.
> More from Robert Reich
> 4. He said he?d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay
> more. He did the opposite. By 2027, the richest 1 percent will have
> received 83 percent of the Trump tax cut and the richest 0.1 percent, 60
> percent of it. But more than half of all Americans will pay more in taxes.
> 5. He said corporations would use their tax cuts to invest in American
> workers. They didn?t. Corporations spent more of their tax savings buying
> back shares of their own stock than increasing workers? wages.
> 6. He said he would boost economic growth by 4 percent a year. Nope. The
> economy stalled, and unemployment has soared to the highest levels since
> the Great Depression. Just over half of working-age Americans are
> employed?the worst ratio in 70 years.
> 7. He said he wouldn?t ?cut Social Security like every other Republican and
> I?m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.? His latest budget includes
> billions in cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
> 8. He promised to be ?the voice? of American workers. He hasn?t. His
> administration has stripped workers of their rights, repealed overtime
> protections, rolled back workplace safety rules, and turned a blind eye to
> employers who steal their workers? wages.
> 9. He promised that the average American family would see a $4,000 pay
> raise because of his tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. But nothing
> trickled down. Wages for most Americans have barely kept up with inflation.
> 10. He promised that anyone who wants a test for COVID will get one. But
> countless Americans still can?t get a test.
> 11. He said hydroxychloroquine protects against coronavirus. No way. The
> FDA revoked its emergency authorization due to the drug?s potentially
> lethal side effects.
> 12. He promised to eliminate the federal deficit. He has increased the
> federal deficit by more than 60 percent.
> 13. He said he would hire ?only the best people.? He has fired a record
> number of his own Cabinet and White House picks, and then called them
> ?whackos,? ?dumb as a rock,? and ?not mentally qualified.? Six of them have
> been charged with crimes.
> 14. He promised to bring down the price of prescription drugs and said drug
> companies are ?getting away with murder.? They still are. Drug prices have
> soared, and a company that got federal funds to develop a drug to treat
> coronavirus is charging $3,000 a pop.
> 15. He promised to revive the struggling coal industry and bring back lost
> coal mining jobs. The coal industry has continued to lose jobs as clean
> energy becomes cheaper.
> 16. He promised to help American workers during the pandemic. But 80
> percent of the tax benefits in the coronavirus stimulus package have gone
> to millionaires and billionaires. And at least 21 million Americans have
> lost extra unemployment benefits, with no new stimulus check to fall back
> on.
> 17. He said he?d drain the swamp. Instead, he?s brought into his
> administration more billionaires, CEOs, and Wall Street moguls than in any
> administration in history, and he?s filled departments and agencies with
> former lobbyists, lawyers, and consultants who are crafting new policies
> for the same industries they used to work for.
> 18. He promised to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions. His
> Justice Department is trying to repeal the entire Affordable Care Act,
> including protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
> 19. He said Mexico would pay for his border wall. The wall will cost
> American taxpayers an estimated $11 billion.
> 20. He promised to bring peace to the Middle East. Instead, tensions have
> increased and his so-called ?peace plan? was dead on arrival.
> 21. He promised to lock up Hillary Clinton for using a private email
> server. He didn?t. Funny enough, Trump uses his personal cellphone for
> official business, and several members of his own administration, including
> Jared Kushner and Ivanka, have used private email in the White House.
> 22. He promised to use his business experience to whip the federal
> government into shape. He hasn?t. His White House is in permanent chaos. He
> caused the longest government shutdown in our nation?s history when he
> didn?t get funding for his wall.
> 23. He promised to end DACA. The Supreme Court ruled that his plan to
> deport 700,000 young immigrants was unconstitutional, and DACA still
> stands.
> 24. He promised ?six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a
> newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit.? He hasn?t
> delivered.
> 25. He promised to bring an end to Kim Jong Un?s nuclear program. Kim is
> expanding North Korea?s nuclear program.
> 26. He said he would distance himself from his businesses while in office.
> He continues to make money from his properties and maintain his grip on his
> real estate empire.
> 27. He said he?d force companies to keep jobs in America, and that there
> would be consequences for companies that shipped jobs abroad. Since he took
> office, companies like GE, Carrier, Ford, and Harley Davidson have
> continued to outsource thousands of jobs while still receiving massive tax
> breaks. And offshoring by federal contractors has increased.
> 28. He promised to end the opioid crisis. Americans are now more likely to
> die from an opioid overdose than a car accident.
> 29. He said he?d release his tax returns. It?s been nearly four years. He
> hasn?t released his tax returns.
> 30. He promised to tear up the Iran nuclear deal and renegotiate a better
> deal. Negotiations have gone nowhere, and he brought us to the brink of
> war.
> 31. He promised to enact term limits for all members of Congress. He has
> not even tried to enact term limits.
> 32. He promised that China would pay for tariffs on imported goods. His
> trade war has cost U.S. consumers $34 billion a year, eliminated 300,000
> American jobs, and cost American taxpayers $22 billion in subsidies for
> farmers hurt by the tariffs.
> 33. He promised to ?push colleges to cut the skyrocketing cost of tuition.?
> Instead, he?s made it easier for for-profit colleges to defraud students,
> and tuition is still rising.
> 34. He promised to protect American steel jobs. The steel industry
> continues to lose jobs.
> 35. He promised tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations would spur
> economic growth and pay for themselves. His tax cuts will add $2 trillion
> to the federal deficit.
> 36. After pulling out of the Paris climate accord, he said he?d negotiate a
> better deal on the environment. He hasn?t attempted to negotiate any deal.
> 37. He promised that the many women who accused him of sexual misconduct
> ?will be sued after the election is over.? He hasn?t sued them, presumably
> because he doesn?t want the truth to come out.
> 38. He promised to bring back all troops from Afghanistan. He now says:
> ?We?ll always have somebody there.?
> 39. He pledged to put America first. Instead, he?s deferred to dictators
> and authoritarians at America?s expense, and ostracized our allies?who now
> laugh at us behind our back.
> 40. He promised to be the voice of the common people. He?s made his rich
> friends richer, increased the political power of big corporations and the
> wealthy, and harmed working Americans. Don?t let the liar-in-chief break
> any more promises. Vote him out in November.

How is that Border Order working out?

o They Still Believe His Lies! Failure & Felon Trump's 40 Broken Promises While I

By: Ryan on Tue, 11 Jun 2024


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