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alt / alt.activism / On Friday's Mark Levin Show

Subject: On Friday's Mark Levin Show
From: Ubiquitous
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Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2024 02:05 UTC
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Subject: On Friday's Mark Levin Show
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On Friday�s Mark Levin Show, it�s time to expose the Islamists and hate
groups behind these radical violent protests on College campuses by the
Hitler youth. Do you know who Professor Hatem Bazian is? He�s the
founder of the vile anti-Israel organization Students for Justice in
Palestine which has spread antisemitism and has compared Israel to Nazi
Germany. He is also, in part, responsible for what you are seeing on
colleges and university campuses. How can this man be a professor at
any university? His organizations don�t want a two-state solution �
they want the final solution. Two more of the leading Hitler youth
groups behind the campus violence in America are Jewish Voice for Peace
(JVP) and Within Our Lifetime. There is also, George Soros groups who
are paying student radicals to spread their hate at Universities
through these protests. What do we do about this? First, we need to
get rid of President Biden and clean out the Department of State. Then,
we need to BDS these Colleges and Universities that provide a platform
for these Hitler youth by cutting off government funding. Later, the
International Criminal Court, ICC, is corrupt. It�s not a coincidence
that they put Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu at the top of their war
crimes list � not China or Iran. If they were to issue an arrest
warrant against Netanyahu terrorists around the world would be
emboldened. Biden and Antony Blinken are behind this because they
haven�t said a word to stop it. Finally, Breitbart�s Joel Pollak calls
in to explain his visit to the �Palestine Solidarity Encampment� at
UCLA. He was violently assaulted by these Hitler youth right in front
of other media.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-
3811. Of course, we all get into this issue of what�s going on in
Manhattan in a little bit. But before we do. Have you ever heard of
that term? Bayesian, Mr. Producer? Anybody in America. Have you ever
heard of Hot Tim Bayesian? A.T.M.? New word Bayesian. Well, you should.
You should know who had ten bazillion is. He�s the founder. The anti-
Israel organization student for Justice in Palestine and the American
Muslims for Palestine. And as of 2021, he served as chairman for the
American Muslims, for Palestine. This from. Canary mission, dawg.
Boston has spread classic anti-Semitism, reportedly promoted religious
anti-Semitism, denied Jewish people hood and Jewish history. And it�s
compared Israel to Nazi Germany. I believe this is Charlie Kirk�s
group, but I�m not sure. Beijing is called for intifada, an America
that means. The annihilation by violence of the Jews. Defended the
Hamas terror group expressed support for terrorists and. Fundraised for
a Hamas linked charity. Here�s politicized academic coursework
demonized Israel and Zionist. Bazin is also a leader within the
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions, BDS movement. Now, as of March 2021
position was a lecturer in the Department of Ethnic Studies at the
University of California, Berkeley, UC Berkeley, where he founded the
Center for the Study of Documentation of Islamophobia in 2009. As of
the same date. Position was the provost, co-founder and faculty member.
As I found a college for Muslim studies as a graduate student, he
reportedly headed the General Union of Palestine students at San
Francisco State University and the Muslim Students Association at UC
Berkeley. Man gets around Basie and it�s affiliated with. If not now.
Annan has spoken before Muslim American society and the Islamic Circle
of North America. Bosnian writes prolifically against Israel,
publishing his work on his personal website and other online sites,
including. Mandell Weiss, An Electronic Intifada. He�s the author of a
2016 anti-Israel book titled Palestine. It is something colonial. Stick
with me. You want to know more about this man because he in part is
responsible for what you�re seeing in our colleges and universities
with Students for Justice in Palestine, which he founded. Bosnian.
Retweeted a July 31, 2017 tweet featuring anti-Semitic imagery and
accusing a, quote, Zionist of supporting the theft of Palestinian land
and resources and body organs and apartheid and occupation and ethnic
cleansing. And genocide. The tweet buzzing, retweeted, included an
image of a man dressed in Orthodox Jewish garb, captioned with the
words Mamluk is chosen. I can now kill, rape, smuggle organs and steal
the land of Palestinians. Yay Ashkenazi a.k.a. Oscar Nazi. Nick Clegg.
The tweet included another image from North Korean leader Kim Jong un
wearing a keeper that is a keeper. And. See here. Somebody is trying to
call me and obviously can�t pick it up, but it interfered with my
reading. It was captioned 101 Judaism. We teach it. God chose me and I
just converted all North Korea to Judaism. Donald Trump Now my, my
nukes are legal and I can annex South Korea and you need to start
paying me 34 billion a year in welfare. On November 21, 2017, he issued
an apology for the anti-Semitic retweet, saying he tweeted it without
giving it much thought. But as of December 20, 2018, magazine was still
listed on the anti-Semitic tweet as having retweeted it. It goes on
case after case after case. Case after case after case. In 2002. Boston
reportedly led a protest against the arrests of 79. Of the SJP Students
for Justice in Palestine, members at UC Berkeley for having attempted
to disrupt a Holocaust Remembrance Day event. He told protesters to
look at the Jewish names on the school building and said, Take a look
at the type of names on the buildings around campus. Haas Zellerbach
Decide who controls this university. In 1994, he was reportedly an
organizer and featured speaker at a press conference to support a mural
depicting Malcolm X�s faces. Excuse me, face surrounded by dollar
signs, yellow stars of David, skulls and crossbones and words. African
blood. Jewish students were reportedly forcibly excluded from the
event. As a graduate student at San Francisco State University in the
1980s and nineties, Bijan reportedly helped foment an anti-Semitic
environment that has persisted for over a decade at that school. As
president of the students of the FSU, that is the student body
Associated Students and Student Union Governing Board. He reportedly
blocked the appointment of Jewish students to the Student Judicial
Council because the student, quote, supported the state of Israel and
was therefore, by definition, a racist. He�s promoting religious anti-
Semitism, denying Jewish history and peoplehood, comparing Israel to
Nazi Germany, calling for an American frittata. Defending repeatedly
Hamas and their terrorism. Supporting terrorists. Fundraising for Hamas
linked charity, politicizing coursework into anti-Israel activism,
demonizing Israel and Zionists. And this SJP, the Students for Justice
Apartheid. It�s an organization, a vile organization. First founded in
2001, the University of California, Berkeley by Professor. How Bayesian
Bayesian spread classic anti-Semitism reportedly promoted religious
anti-Semitism and defended the Hamas terror group. He�s called for
violence in America. The to fight in America. This group has been a
major force in pushing the anti-Semitic boycott, divestment, sanctions
movement on campuses. Chapters have. Initiated dozens of BDS
resolutions and student groups which have been proposed on or around
Jewish holidays, a time when many Jewish students are off campus and
their activists have reportedly physically assaulted, intimidated and
harassed Jewish students, disrupted pro-Israel campus events and
demonized pro-Israel campus organizations. The American Muslims for
Palestine, which he also founded as a UC Berkeley professor, use it as
a vehicle to generate mainstream support in the United States for the
Palestinian national cause. On its website, the organization lists
Bosnian, as the chairman of its national board describes itself as,
quote, a national education and grassroots based organization dedicated
to educating the American public about Palestine and the rich culture,
historical and religious heritage. The Anti-Defamation League has
accused the group of promoting extreme anti-Israel views and has at
times provided a platform for anti-Semitism under the guise of
educating Americans about Palestinians. And they further stated that
they MP is directly involved in campus based anti-Israel activity
through Students for Justice of Palestine. Now, prior to founding this
group in 2006, Professor Bazin created the Students for Justice in
Palestine, together with UC Berkeley Professor Shana Hall Shinagawa in
2001. And the close working relationship between AMP and SJP. It�s been
documented several times over the years by several groups. Now, in
addition to providing financial, public relations and legal assistance
to these groups. He�s also been accused of having connections to Hamas.
The AMP National Board includes four members of both the Islamic
Association of Palestine and the Holy Land Foundation, both of which
were found liable for aiding and abetting Hamas. The IAP was founded by
Moussa Mohammad Abu Marzouk, a senior member of Hamas. And it goes on.
As you can see, this guy�s a real slimeball. A real slimeball. You
should write down his name. So you remember it. Hatem Bassem. Much of
what you seen taking place in our universities and colleges. As a
result of what he�s been doing and what he�s been saying. Many of these
signs, many of the slogans. Are his. He�s a professor. He said,
Professor. Now, if I�m aware of him, I would assume that the media are
aware of him. And given his connections and his networks and his
associations, I would assume that he would be treated at least as. As
the Proud Boys. Now, Mr. Producer. Is it being monitored or are they
looking at a social media over there at the Federal Bureau of
Investigation? They checking them map. Are they? Are they looking at
the money flows into his groups and out of his groups? The Hamas
funding network is alive and well in the United States. Just curious.
How about the university? Said employee him? Are they concerned about
him? Are they looking at him? I think considering removing him and into
fighting in the United States. Really? And he goes beyond anti-Semitism
and anti-Zionism and anti-Israel and all the rest of it. This guy is a
hateful posse. And the groups he founded. Are the same. They�re not
interested in two state solutions. They�re not interested now. They�re
interested in annihilation of the state of Israel, which means the
annihilation of the Jews river to the sea. That�s what it means. How
can this man. Be a professor at any of our universities. Promoting what
he promotes, organizing what he promotes. This isn�t First Amendment
stuff. This is final solution stuff. Now there�s everybody talking
about this George Soros money now backing the protesters. I don�t know,
Mr. Producer. I did this on Fox two weeks ago. I�ve been doing it on
this program for many days, have I not? Well, it�s good to know people
have awakened to this because when we come back, I will tell you what
they�re now saying about George Soros. We�ll be right back.

Segment 2
It�s time to expose the Islamists who are behind these activities, like
this so-called professor in California who I discussed. You can go on
my social sites and see links to him and you can enter his name in
whatever search engine you use and you can see all about him. This is a
very evil, diabolical Jew hater, an American hater. He�s right here in
the United States with all kinds of networks and tentacles to all the
wrong people. The New York Post has a story. George Soros is paying
student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel hating
protest. Ladies and gentlemen, you can also go to my social sites and
you�ll see I posted once or twice an entire monologue that I�ve done on
this subject with extensive details. That provide this information to
you. But I want to thank the New York Post, Isabelle Vincent, not for
your references to me, of which there are none, but for at least
getting on the bandwagon here, it�s very important. George Soros and
his hard left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the
explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the
country. It�s not radical anti Israel protests. These are Hitler Youth.
They want to exterminate the Jews. They want to destroy the United
States of America. The protests which began when students took over
Columbia University�s Morningside Heights campus lawn last week of
mushroomed nationwide copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges,
including Harvard and Yale, Berkeley, California, the Ohio State
University, Emory and Georgia, all of them organized by branches of
Soros funded Students for Justice in Palestine. So I just told you the
name of the radical Islamist professor who founded that organization
and effectively controls it. How they put franchises. For the Hitler
Youth, that is for this SJP throughout the country. And so it�s also
being funded by Soros. So now you have this Islamist professor and the
Marxist Soros. George Soros is paying agitators who are fueling this
explosion. The SJP Students for Justice in Palestine parent
Organization, has been funded by a network of nonprofits ultimately
funded by, among others, Soros, the billionaire left wing investor. At
three colleges. The protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who
are so-called fellows of a short of a source funded group called the
U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights. This group provides up to 70 $800
for its community based fellows and between 2830 660 for its campus
based fellows. Now, continue this after the break, ladies and
gentlemen. But this is very, very important. The Islamists and the
Marxists, the Democrat Party, billionaires and dark money that I�ve
been talking about over and over and over again, the media need to
continue to help me expose this. And then we need to ask where the
oversight committees in Congress, where�s the Federal Bureau of
Investigation and where Immigration. I�ll be right back.

Segment 3
So this Islamist who preaches death to Jews, that is rare from the
safety of academia in America. Pharmacy�s Islamist organizations within
our country, like Students for Justice in Palestine from now on. SJP.
They�re on many campuses throughout the country, as you can see from
the various Hitler Youth movements that have been rising up. And
Bayesian that that group is heavily funded by the Soros Open Society
Foundations. Soros is the biggest sugar daddy for the Democrat Party as
well. And also the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. They pointed this out two
weeks ago as well. Again, I�ve posted my opening statements on this
issue two or three times, I think two times on our social media, if you
want to check it out, where it�s much more comprehensive than these
articles. But again, I�m not opposed to these articles. In fact, The
New York Post has been very good about digging into much of this stuff.
Very few media outlets have been some. Happy to have smothered them.
CNN, MSNBC and their ilk. Don�t want to tell you about, Professor.
Don�t want to tell you about the funding for SJP that Soros is behind
it. Other Democrat billionaires are behind it. Dark money, Democrat
Party groups. And they laundered the money through these organizations
like the Tides Foundation and others. To get the money to foment
radicalism. This article, which is a very good article, by the way.
Says that these people who are trained, trained and funded agitators by
Soros. They are trained to, quote, rise up to revolution, quote
unquote. The radical group received at least $300,000 from the Source
Open Society Fund since 2017, also took in 355,000 from the Rockefeller
Brothers Fund since 2019. It has three fellows, quote unquote, who have
been major figures in the nationwide protest movement. Not a laugh. A
former president of the university, Texas Students for Justice in
Palestine was seen at an encampment ut Dallas on Wednesday making a
speech demanding an end to the war in Gaza. Laffey, a former
legislative intern for the late Democratic Congresswoman Eddie Bernice
Johnson. You see the fusion of the Islamist, the Marxist in the
Democrat Party and their funders. It�s all there. It�s all there. She
graduated from the school last year with a degree in global business,
is now a law student at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.
January, she was detained for blocking the route of President Biden�s
motorcade after he arrived in Dallas for the funeral funeral of
Johnson, her former boss. A Yale fellow, Craig Birkhead. Morton was
arrested Monday and charged with first degree trespassing when he had
J. SJP Branch Yalies for Palestine, that is, Yalies occupied the
school�s Picnic Plaza, the Yale Daily News reported. Birkhead Morton,
also a former intern for a Democrat from Maryland, Representative John
Sarbanes, emerged from custody to address a sit in blocking traffic in
New Haven. The most high profile follows is Berkeley�s Mallory, after
co-president of Berkeley Law Students for Justice and Palestine. She�s
been a serial speaker at anti-Israel protests on campuses this week,
which came after she first shot to prominence by hijacking a dinner at
the law school. Dean�s home to shout anti-Israel slogans and accused
the Deans wife of assaulting her when she asked her. That is the
radical to leave. Now, the cash from Soros and his acolytes has been
critical to the Colombia protests and set off the national copycat
demonstrations. Three groups set up the tent city on the Columbia�s
lawn last week. Last Wednesday. This group, Students for Justice in
Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, which is an anti-Israel, believe it
or not, Marxist organization. And within our lifetime, at the so called
Gaza Solidarity Encampment. Students sleep in tents, apparently ordered
from Amazon and enjoyed delivering pizza coffee from Dunkin Donuts.
Free sandwiches were 1250 from Pret and mango, organic tortilla chips
and $10 rotisserie chickens. Mm hmm. We don�t want our little Hitler
youth to go hungry doing this to produce. The analysis by the Post
shows that all three got cash from groups like the Soros. The
Rockefeller Brothers Fund also gave cash. But the Jewish Voice for
Peace. Now the fund is chaired by Joseph Pearson and includes David
Rockefeller Jr. A fourth generation member of the oil dynasty on its
board of directors. Try These big wealthy entrepreneurs need to get rid
of their money, not give it to kids, not give it the foundations. The
foundations are always taken over by the radical left. And by the time
we get to the fourth generation, these are kooks who�ve earned nothing.
Trust fund babies, as they call them, who turn to radical activism. Now
this nonprofit gives money to, quote, sustainable development and quote
unquote, peacebuilding. And a former Wall Street banker. Felice
Gellman, a retired investment banker, has dedicated her Wall Street
fortune to pro-Palestinian causes. She funds all three groups. Stick
with me. Both SJP and JVP were expelled from Columbia University in
November for threatening rhetoric and intimidation. JVP blamed Israel
Israel for the October seven Hamas terrorist attack that left 1200
Israelis butchered, raped, murdered. Both SJP and JVP were expelled
from Columbia. Israel apartheid and occupation and United States
complicity in that oppression are the source of all the violence. JVP
said in a statement on its website, SJP called the terror strike on
Israel a historic win. This is this professor museum�s group. It�s a
historic win. Terrorism. A historic win. An analysis by the New York
Post shows how Soros and Goldman�s cash made its way to students
through a network of nonprofits that help obscure their contributions.
Soros has given billions to the Open Society Foundation, which is sent.
ALEXANDER We�ve talked about that. Whose partner is Huma Abedin? We
didn�t know that. Well, maybe then Hillary Clinton�s top aide in the
estranged wife of pervert Anthony Weiner now controls. Got that? Soros
has given billions to the Open Society foundations, which his son,
Alexander, whose partner is Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton�s top aide,
now controls. In turn, open society has given more than $20 million to
the Tides Foundation, a progressive, a.k.a. Marxist non-profit fiscal
sponsor that then sends the cash to smaller groups. So Soros is the
Svengali moves. Money through these front groups, gets the money out to
the radicals, funds the revolutionaries, Marxists and Islamists. Assume
the professor founds these radical Islamist Jew hating organizations
and helps place them on the college campuses. And you see the ties to
members, Democrats in Congress, to Hillary Clinton. You see the ties to
Democrat billionaires and dark money organizations. This is why CNN,
MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post won�t
report on it. This is why. Now, these groups include a Jewish Voice for
Peace, which between 2017 and 2022 has received $650,000 from Soros
Open Society. Its advisors include the academic Noam Chomsky and the
left wing feminist Naomi Klein. Isn�t that Tucker Carlson�s friend, Mr.
Producer? Maybe I�m confused. No, that�s Naomi Wolf. Pardon me. Pardon
me. Correction made JVP has been a prominent part of the protests at
Columbia, and one of its student members was among a group expelled
from the university for inviting the leader of a proscribed terrorist
group allied to the Resistance one on one zoom meeting. Sawiris has
also donated 132,000 to Westpac, called in for the Westchester�s People
Action Coalition Foundation. You�ll see these massive numbers of
organizations. How they fund them. How they spread them around. Now,
this white plain, New York based nonprofit was founded in 1974 to rally
for civil rights and against the Vietnam War, But it�s now a major
funder of anti-Israel groups, including within our Lifetime and
Students for Justice in Palestine. That�s the SJP. The SJP has also
received funding from the Sparkplug Foundation, a New York based
nonprofit run by Gelman and her husband, Yoram Gellman. The couple
final their 20,000 donation to the group through West back in 2022,
according to the public. I know your eyes are. Calling like I can�t
keep track of all these groups. That�s why they set them up. Government
is on the board of the Bard Lifetime Living Institute, an offshoot of
the infamously progressive college, as well as the Jenin Freedom
Foundation and so forth. And they go on. And on and on. Now this Open
Society Foundation. I tell you what�s interesting about this. The Open
Society was really a book, really several books, but a book written by
Karl Popper. KKR our popular. I�m a fan of Karl Popper. Karl Popper
denounced Marxism. He spent his life critiquing it. Open society in and
of itself is a good thing. Apparently one of his students at one point
was George Soros. George Soros is a very sick and perverse individual
who apparently took the teachings and the writings of Karl Popper and
twisted them into his own cancerous poisonous mind. Doing what he does
now. Doing what he does now. Now you know about Professor Potassium.
You already knew about Soros. You�ve known about other Democrat Party
billionaires and billionaires who are funding this. You know about the
Hamas funding network if you listen to this program. George Washington
University. Their program on extremism has been very explicit about
that, as have others. And that�s what�s funding our colleges and
universities. Now, what do we do about this? We do have a mark Levin
solution. And the Mark Levin solution is in a book you may have read or
bought called American Marxism, but I will summarize it for you as I
did the other week. When we return, I�ll be right back.

Segment 4
Mr. Producer, will you post that New York Post article I just mentioned
with the following title? Just put in here. Here are three of the
leading Hitler youth behind the campus Violence in American. Iran and
Israel. pro-Palestine. They�re Hitler youth, but they are just the new
Nazis. That�s all. Call them what they are. Stop playing around. We got
their message and we�re responding to it. Obviously, 20 bucks these
days doesn�t go very far. So you drive to a fast food were fast food
drive thru. And it�s you and your wife. Who? Your husband and maybe two
kids. Four of whom. It�s going to cost you 40 or $50, which is crazy.
You know, people attack fast food. I do not. It is life support for
many, many people. And rather than attacking the. You know, the
availability of alternative types of food while that�s processed. In
our processed food. Why? It was invented because 120 years ago. People
were dying of stomach cancer because they didn�t know how to preserve
meats, preserve fruits and so forth. And so they would use stuff like.
Wood chips and turpentine and horrendous things. And so the genius of
the American entrepreneur and capitalist system. Things began to
develop over the course of time, too, became a process of all. Frozen
food. The genius behind all of these advances. And now, of course, we
attack everything. We destroy the combustion engine. We destroy. Oil
pipelines. We destroy new methodologies for mining coal. We just
destroy everything because, of course, the ideologues, the Marxists,
they know everything. And yet they know nothing. Everything and
nothing. So, Mr. Producer, one of these Hitler Youth. Well, they were
very proud. I think they recorded themselves, didn�t they, Mr.
Producer? Basically saying that Zionists say, okay, Jews should be
murdered. No. This is back in January, even before the height of the
kerfuffle. Now this individual whose name I believe it�s a woman, but
hard to tell. His or her name is Kimani James, student leader of the
Palestinian protests at Columbia University back in January. Here�s a
video which appears to me she shot herself a had somebody shoot with
her. Mr. Producer. Cut. 14. Go. A lot of people agree that Hitler
needed to die in order for world order to move forward and in order to
establish some inkling of world peace. And so we can agree as a
society, as a collective, that people that person, some person needs to
die if they have an ideology that that results in the death of
thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions. If there are people like
that who exist. Shouldn�t they die? Why would we want people who are
supporters of genocide to live? I�m confused. Zionists, along with all
white supremacists, need to not exist because they actively kill and
harm vulnerable people. They stop the world from progressing. Oh, okay.
Thank you. Yes, that�s right. Now, where is the FBI tonight? Now that
I�ve played that, where are you? FBI? Where are you? Director Wray, is
that free speech? Jake TAPPER, you moron, Is it? I�ll be right back.

o On Friday's Mark Levin Show

By: Ubiquitous on Sat, 27 Apr 2024


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