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A long-forgotten loved one will appear soon. Buy the negatives at any price.

alt / alt.atheism / Contrary to popular belief, not all gun owners are unemployed radical right wing homosexual pedophiles who worship an imaginary diety in the sky

o Contrary to popular belief, not all gun owners are unemployed radical right wingByker

Subject: Contrary to popular belief, not all gun owners are unemployed radical right wing homosexual pedophiles who worship an imaginary diety in the sky
From: Byker
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns, alt.atheism, talk.politics.crypto
Followup:, alt.politics.democrats, talk.politics.crypto
Organization: .
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 13:09 UTC
From: (Byker)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.guns,alt.atheism,talk.politics.crypto
Subject: Contrary to popular belief, not all gun owners are unemployed radical right wing homosexual pedophiles who worship an imaginary diety in the sky
Followup-To:, alt.politics.democrats, talk.politics.crypto
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 08:09:59 -0500
Organization: .
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However, leading Republican and former Presidential candidate Rev. Pat
Robertson says that children should be beaten until they believe in God!

I wonder how many times he was raped as a child?
Daddy must have been a pretty nice Christian guy.

Pray to the Diety for he is laughing as his followers go on shooting sprees in
his honor.

Are guns really useful against IEDs and car bombs? The NRA leadership seems
to think so, but they're a bunch of fat old farts who survive on your
membership fees.


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