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alt / alt.atheism / Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners

* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRudy Canoza
+* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
|+* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners%
||`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
|| `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners%
||  `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
||   `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners%
||    `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
||     `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners%
||      `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
|`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| +* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMitchell Holman
| |+* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| ||`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || +* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || |+* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || ||+* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || |||+* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || ||||`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || |||| `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || ||||  `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || ||||   `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || |||+- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRudy Canoza
| || |||`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || ||| `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || |||  +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRudy Canoza
| || |||  `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || |||   `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || |||    +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRüdy Cånoza
| || |||    `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || |||     +* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || |||     |+* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || |||     ||`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || |||     || `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || |||     ||  `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || |||     |`- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRüdy Cånoza
| || |||     `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMitchell Holman
| || |||      `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || |||       `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMitchell Holman
| || ||`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMitchell Holman
| || || `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || ||  `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || ||   `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || ||    +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || ||    `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRudy Canoza
| || |`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMitchell Holman
| || | +* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || | |`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || | | +* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || | | |+- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || | | |+- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRudy Canoza
| || | | |`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || | | | `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || | | |  +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRüdy Cånoza
| || | | |  +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRudy Canoza
| || | | |  `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || | | |   `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || | | |    `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRüdy Cånoza
| || | | `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMitchell Holman
| || | |  +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || | |  `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || | |   `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || | |    `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || | `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersAndrew W
| || |  `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMitchell Holman
| || |   `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || +* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMitchell Holman
| || |`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || | +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonerspothead
| || | `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || |  +* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || |  |+- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || |  |+- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRudy Canoza
| || |  |`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || |  | `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || |  |  +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRüdy Cånoza
| || |  |  `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || |  |   `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || |  |    +* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter
| || |  |    |`- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMichael A Terrell
| || |  |    +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRüdy Cånoza
| || |  |    `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || |  |     `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || |  |      +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRudy Cánoza
| || |  |      `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || |  |       +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRudy Cánoza
| || |  |       `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || |  |        `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| || |  |         +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersRudy Cánoza
| || |  |         `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| || |  `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMitchell Holman
| || |   `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersLou Bricano
| || `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersKlaus Schadenfreude
| ||  `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners%
| |`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersAndrew W
| | +* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMitchell Holman
| | |+- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersAndrew W
| | |`- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersNoBody
| | `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersScout
| |  `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersAndrew W
| |   +- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonerspothead
| |   `* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersMitchell Holman
| `- Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersBaxter
`* Re: Building new prisons causes more prisonersSkeeter

Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
From: Rudy Cánoza
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: Blow Job Reparations Society
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 21:48 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 21:48:15 +0000
From: (Rudy Cánoza)
Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 14:48:02 -0700
Distribution: The Jolly Kone Parking Lot
Keywords: Free Blowjobs To All Trump Supporters
Summary: Expressing my deep homo love for Trump and Mr. Hartung
Organization: Blow Job Reparations Society
Message-ID: <>
References: <XnsB21483D3AA2DA629555@> <67195f2d$11$16$> <vfdkis$2lias$> <XnsB2158607681D5629555@> <671a9c75$2$3830$> <vfg9qu$37bp4$> <qPOSO.201812$WtV9.70852@fx10.iad> <vfobiq$128d2$> <1OPTO.587228$1m96.224920@fx15.iad> <vfqtn4$1jpg9$> <LA8UO.345440$v8v2.185067@fx18.iad> <vftmb5$27j89$> <_SwUO.96083$afc4.88596@fx42.iad>
User-Agent: ForteAgent/
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Question_01: Do you have to wear a condom when I blow you? A. No!
Question_02: Do I take it up the ass? A. Repeatedly!
Question_03: Am I an impotent midget with a Napoleon complex? A. You *do* know me!
Question_04: How many cocks can I suck in one afternoon? A. How many you got, stud?
Lines: 20
X-Trace: sv3-7ok618WhrLS2a4sLDfUdzaC6LvQ7u0IDNua2MOOa8t9D8+ZT7m4we/461K2c32jhPBFx+m5LKOqXCYv!wUURaAmYiT6oM6gqc48P1k4F4UTSmVJYoqkibw5wuhLLPiN9FUpk9JWNVDeOd92DlOreW1NY/B2R!AcmblbVe/59JLa1ukw4ug24+hVU79wBo4ZwQwNJ1kC/V396N
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[Default] a cowardly incel dwarf typed:

>No, Scout, there is not.

If you're talking about reasons NOT to visit me at the Jolly Kone,
you're right! There *is* no reason not to!

If you are a right wing nut
Or you're a leftist hippy
If your cock's infected bad
With lots of sores and drippy
Rudy's waiting at the Jolly Kone
To make your dreams come true
Just come by, pull your pants right down
And get into the queue!
'Cause sucking cock is what I do
My talent's unsurpassed!
And all in California know
My blow jobs are first class!

Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
From: Klaus Schadenfreude
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 17:17 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
MIME-Version: 1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
From: (Klaus Schadenfreude)
Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
References: <ODsuI.19888$N%.9043@fx05.iad> <_vpyI.102672$od.4180@fx15.iad>
<> <rxSRO.54739$KDwf.3770@fx01.iad>
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<qPOSO.201812$WtV9.70852@fx10.iad> <vfobiq$128d2$>
<1OPTO.587228$1m96.224920@fx15.iad> <vfqtn4$1jpg9$>
<LA8UO.345440$v8v2.185067@fx18.iad> <vftmb5$27j89$>
<_SwUO.96083$afc4.88596@fx42.iad> <vg01ka$2naka$>
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Message-ID: <CYOUO.311408$kxD8.287781@fx11.iad>
X-Complaints-To: abuse(at)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 17:17:22 UTC
Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 10:17:21 -0700
X-Received-Bytes: 5422
View all headers

On 10/31/2024 5:20 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:

> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
> news:_SwUO.96083$afc4.88596@fx42.iad...
>> On 10/30/2024 7:45 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>> news:LA8UO.345440$v8v2.185067@fx18.iad...
>>>> On 10/29/2024 7:40 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>>>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:1OPTO.587228$1m96.224920@fx15.iad...
>>>>>> On 10/28/2024 7:55 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>>>>>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:qPOSO.201812$WtV9.70852@fx10.iad...
>>>>>>>> On 10/25/2024 7:14 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>>>>>>>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>> "Skeeter" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:671a9c75$2$3830$
>>>>>>>>>> In article <XnsB2158607681D5629555@>,
>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>> scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless chickenshit who is
>>>>>>>>>>> frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>> > See, it's not the execution that is so expensive but the > endless
>>>>>>>>>>> >  > round
>>>>>>>>>>> > of appeals, stays, delays, and other legal maneuvers. As it is, >
>>>>>>>>>>> > you
>>>>>>>>>>> > have the defense, a representative from the prosecutor's office >
>>>>>>>>>>> > and
>>>>>>>>>>> > the judge who can review any new evidence or proof of errors > made
>>>>>>>>>>> > during trial that could reasonably impact the jury's finding.
>>>>>>>>>>>     It is precisely those "endless rounds
>>>>>>>>>>> of appeals" that uncovered over 100 innocent
>>>>>>>>>>> men sitting on death rows across the country.
>>>>>>>>> Where [sic] they innocent? The only link produced does not establish that.
>>>>>>>> It does, scooter.
>>>>>>> No, it doesn't.
>>>>>> Yes, scooter, you fascist KKK swine, it does.
>>>>> Stomp your little feet and scream in impotence.. the simple fact is your
>>>>> link does NOT establish what you think it does
>>>> It does, scooter. The claim, from Mitch Holman, was:
>>>>    Funny that the most active death penalty state
>>>>    in the country - Texas - also leads the country
>>>>    in DNA exonerations of inmates on death row.
>>>> The link, which you unethically erased from the thread but which I easily
>>>> found despite your juvenile vandalism:
>>>> wrongful-convictions/
>>>> has as its headline:
>>>>    Texas, Harris County Lead Country in Exonerations and Wrongful Convictions
>>>> The link supports the claim, you fascist KKK swine and drunken Virginia
>>>> camper. You lose again.
>>> Yea, but there is a WORLD of difference between that headline.. and your
>>> specific assertions.
>> No, scooter, there is not.
> So you admit

No, scooter. Whenever you bleat "so you admit...", what follows is always
bullshit and *not* an admission by your opponent — who always is your
intellectual superior.

Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
From: Rudy Cánoza
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: Blow Job Reparations Society
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 17:32 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 17:32:48 +0000
From: (Rudy Cánoza)
Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 10:32:47 -0700
Distribution: The Jolly Kone Parking Lot
Keywords: Free Blowjobs To All Trump Supporters
Summary: Expressing my deep homo love for Trump and Mr. Hartung
Organization: Blow Job Reparations Society
Message-ID: <>
References: <vfdkis$2lias$> <XnsB2158607681D5629555@> <671a9c75$2$3830$> <vfg9qu$37bp4$> <qPOSO.201812$WtV9.70852@fx10.iad> <vfobiq$128d2$> <1OPTO.587228$1m96.224920@fx15.iad> <vfqtn4$1jpg9$> <LA8UO.345440$v8v2.185067@fx18.iad> <vftmb5$27j89$> <_SwUO.96083$afc4.88596@fx42.iad> <vg01ka$2naka$> <CYOUO.311408$kxD8.287781@fx11.iad>
User-Agent: ForteAgent/
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Question_01: Do you have to wear a condom when I blow you? A. No!
Question_02: Do I take it up the ass? A. Repeatedly!
Question_03: Am I an impotent midget with a Napoleon complex? A. You *do* know me!
Question_04: How many cocks can I suck in one afternoon? A. How many you got, stud?
Lines: 22
X-Trace: sv3-fXnjSU3p0RL4m52izyxxqNnDf/D4Mj2rLvviC92ULBaFLdPaC/c+WqTIjU8Vvn6JUDgcy6RUzzB+Kiz!M69yJB6RaATTQdZk3ZOS4jGQyCUJTBQlK+75Xph7ghxbRg/4XszUEifieaMpKXZVWQIV9CYgj5eI!aSOrzkW9qO8333Pi2OH2vrVHS+Nk0che2jl74QEuOnDqmmTr
X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly
X-Postfilter: 1.3.40
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[Default] An incel dwarf typed:

>No, Scout.

NOBODY says "no" to be when I'm on my knees with my mouth open wide!
If there is a cock to suck
Then Rudy is your guy
He may past retirement age
But still he's pretty spry
He has no trouble getting down
Upon his bony knees
And sucking on your schwanzstucker
With practiced skill and ease
Don't hesitate to get your nut
Into his soft white mouth
'Cuz he's the best no matter where
East, west, north, or south!
So come down to the Jolly Kone
You know he knows the owner!
And let him do his magic
On your incredible stiff boner!

Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
From: Scout
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2024 15:19 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
From: (Scout)
Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2024 10:19:19 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 2
Message-ID: <vg2sfr$39v6m$>
References: <ODsuI.19888$N%.9043@fx05.iad> <_vpyI.102672$od.4180@fx15.iad> <> <rxSRO.54739$KDwf.3770@fx01.iad> <> <vfb0tj$22men$> <XnsB21483D3AA2DA629555@> <67195f2d$11$16$> <vfdkis$2lias$> <XnsB2158607681D5629555@> <671a9c75$2$3830$> <vfg9qu$37bp4$> <qPOSO.201812$WtV9.70852@fx10.iad> <vfobiq$128d2$> <1OPTO.587228$1m96.224920@fx15.iad> <vfqtn4$1jpg9$> <LA8UO.345440$v8v2.185067@fx18.iad> <vftmb5$27j89$> <_SwUO.96083$afc4.88596@fx42.iad> <vg01ka$2naka$> <CYOUO.311408$kxD8.287781@fx11.iad>
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"Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
> On 10/31/2024 5:20 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>> news:_SwUO.96083$afc4.88596@fx42.iad...
>>> On 10/30/2024 7:45 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:LA8UO.345440$v8v2.185067@fx18.iad...
>>>>> On 10/29/2024 7:40 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:1OPTO.587228$1m96.224920@fx15.iad...
>>>>>>> On 10/28/2024 7:55 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>>>>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:qPOSO.201812$WtV9.70852@fx10.iad...
>>>>>>>>> On 10/25/2024 7:14 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>>>>>>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>> "Skeeter" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:671a9c75$2$3830$
>>>>>>>>>>> In article <XnsB2158607681D5629555@>,
>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>> scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless chickenshit
>>>>>>>>>>>> who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > See, it's not the execution that is so expensive but the >
>>>>>>>>>>>> > endless > round
>>>>>>>>>>>> > of appeals, stays, delays, and other legal maneuvers. As it
>>>>>>>>>>>> > is, > you
>>>>>>>>>>>> > have the defense, a representative from the prosecutor's
>>>>>>>>>>>> > office > and
>>>>>>>>>>>> > the judge who can review any new evidence or proof of errors
>>>>>>>>>>>> > > made
>>>>>>>>>>>> > during trial that could reasonably impact the jury's finding.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It is precisely those "endless rounds
>>>>>>>>>>>> of appeals" that uncovered over 100 innocent
>>>>>>>>>>>> men sitting on death rows across the country.
>>>>>>>>>> Where [sic] they innocent? The only link produced does not
>>>>>>>>>> establish that.
>>>>>>>>> It does, scooter.
>>>>>>>> No, it doesn't.
>>>>>>> Yes, scooter, you fascist KKK swine, it does.
>>>>>> Stomp your little feet and scream in impotence.. the simple fact is
>>>>>> your link does NOT establish what you think it does
>>>>> It does, scooter. The claim, from Mitch Holman, was:
>>>>> Funny that the most active death penalty state
>>>>> in the country - Texas - also leads the country
>>>>> in DNA exonerations of inmates on death row.
>>>>> The link, which you unethically erased from the thread but which I
>>>>> easily found despite your juvenile vandalism:
>>>>> wrongful-convictions/
>>>>> has as its headline:
>>>>> Texas, Harris County Lead Country in Exonerations and Wrongful
>>>>> Convictions
>>>>> The link supports the claim, you fascist KKK swine and drunken
>>>>> Virginia camper. You lose again.
>>>> Yea, but there is a WORLD of difference between that headline.. and
>>>> your specific assertions.
>>> No, scooter, there is not.
>> So you admit you didn't even read your own cite?

The rest of the sentenced restored to provide context.

> No, scooter. Whenever you bleat "so you admit...", what follows is always
> bullshit and *not* an admission by your opponent — who always is your
> intellectual superior.

Then you did read your cited source and were intentionally lying about what
was in it?

Fans watch on as Rudy attempts to get out of the corner he painted himself

Oh, BTW, Readers will note that when Rudy posts only a portion of my
statement and then claims I was wrong, lying or whatever in the rest... it's
almost always because Rudy suddenly realized I nailed his ass the wall yet

Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
From: Klaus Schadenfreude
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2024 22:33 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
MIME-Version: 1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
From: (Klaus Schadenfreude)
Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
References: <ODsuI.19888$N%.9043@fx05.iad> <_vpyI.102672$od.4180@fx15.iad>
<> <rxSRO.54739$KDwf.3770@fx01.iad>
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<_SwUO.96083$afc4.88596@fx42.iad> <vg01ka$2naka$>
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X-Complaints-To: abuse(at)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 22:33:51 UTC
Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2024 15:33:51 -0700
X-Received-Bytes: 6745
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On 11/1/2024 8:19 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:

> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
> news:CYOUO.311408$kxD8.287781@fx11.iad...
>> On 10/31/2024 5:20 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>> news:_SwUO.96083$afc4.88596@fx42.iad...
>>>> On 10/30/2024 7:45 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>>>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:LA8UO.345440$v8v2.185067@fx18.iad...
>>>>>> On 10/29/2024 7:40 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>>>>>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:1OPTO.587228$1m96.224920@fx15.iad...
>>>>>>>> On 10/28/2024 7:55 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>>>>>>>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> news:qPOSO.201812$WtV9.70852@fx10.iad...
>>>>>>>>>> On 10/25/2024 7:14 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>>>>>>>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>>> "Skeeter" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>> news:671a9c75$2$3830$
>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <XnsB2158607681D5629555@>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless chickenshit who is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > See, it's not the execution that is so expensive but the > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> endless > round
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > of appeals, stays, delays, and other legal maneuvers. As it > is,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >  you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > have the defense, a representative from the prosecutor's > office
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >  and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > the judge who can review any new evidence or proof of errors >  >
>>>>>>>>>>>>> made
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > during trial that could reasonably impact the jury's finding.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     It is precisely those "endless rounds
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of appeals" that uncovered over 100 innocent
>>>>>>>>>>>>> men sitting on death rows across the country.
>>>>>>>>>>> Where [sic] they innocent? The only link produced does not establish
>>>>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>>>> It does, scooter.
>>>>>>>>> No, it doesn't.
>>>>>>>> Yes, scooter, you fascist KKK swine, it does.
>>>>>>> Stomp your little feet and scream in impotence.. the simple fact is your
>>>>>>> link does NOT establish what you think it does
>>>>>> It does, scooter. The claim, from Mitch Holman, was:
>>>>>>    Funny that the most active death penalty state
>>>>>>    in the country - Texas - also leads the country
>>>>>>    in DNA exonerations of inmates on death row.
>>>>>> The link, which you unethically erased from the thread but which I easily
>>>>>> found despite your juvenile vandalism:
>>>>>> wrongful-convictions/
>>>>>> has as its headline:
>>>>>>    Texas, Harris County Lead Country in Exonerations and Wrongful Convictions
>>>>>> The link supports the claim, you fascist KKK swine and drunken Virginia
>>>>>> camper. You lose again.
>>>>> Yea, but there is a WORLD of difference between that headline.. and your
>>>>> specific assertions.
>>>> No, scooter, there is not.
>>> So you admit you didn't even read your own cite?

No. Whenever scooter or Kremlin Girl / Bit of Nothingness write "so you
admit...", what follows is *always* a straw man, 100% of time. The Usenet
opponent — scooter's and KG/BoN's intellectual superior — has never "admitted"
anything. scooter and KG/BoN have fabricated the "admission." It's a straw man,
a lie.

> The rest of the sentenced [sic] restored to provide context.

What is a "sentenced", scooter?

>> No, scooter. Whenever you bleat "so you admit...", what follows is always
>> bullshit and *not* an admission by your opponent — who always is your
>> intellectual superior.
> Then you did read your cited source and

So why did you lie and say I hadn't read it, scooter?

> were intentionally lying about what was in it?

No, scooter. I didn't lie about what was in it, scooter. That's just you lying

It looks to be that you're fleeing in terror, scooter — *admitting* [heh heh
heh] that you are *unmasterful* at your fuckwitted Usenet trolling game.

Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
From: Rudy Cánoza
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: Blow Job Reparations Society
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2024 23:23 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 23:23:25 +0000
From: (Rudy Cánoza)
Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 16:23:24 -0700
Distribution: The Jolly Kone Parking Lot
Keywords: Free Blowjobs To All Trump Supporters
Summary: Expressing my deep homo love for Trump and Mr. Hartung
Organization: Blow Job Reparations Society
Message-ID: <>
References: <671a9c75$2$3830$> <vfg9qu$37bp4$> <qPOSO.201812$WtV9.70852@fx10.iad> <vfobiq$128d2$> <1OPTO.587228$1m96.224920@fx15.iad> <vfqtn4$1jpg9$> <LA8UO.345440$v8v2.185067@fx18.iad> <vftmb5$27j89$> <_SwUO.96083$afc4.88596@fx42.iad> <vg01ka$2naka$> <CYOUO.311408$kxD8.287781@fx11.iad> <vg2sfr$39v6m$> <jHcVO.616862$1m96.373118@fx15.iad>
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Question_01: Do you have to wear a condom when I blow you? A. No!
Question_02: Do I take it up the ass? A. Repeatedly!
Question_03: Am I an impotent midget with a Napoleon complex? A. You *do* know me!
Question_04: How many cocks can I suck in one afternoon? A. How many you got, stud?
Lines: 22
X-Trace: sv3-lcD+WsHn77v+jCM3UJPpVDQvkQrEfOnmlt6edMT2I/NtQd7/dI8vRDfJ13pEH4kr/AzpHt5C8R7YvDY!LFuMhyAI+WPBV1J3iBGuMX6NAdiY8ybx7irjDPx3N2ZLdbu1deSqGVwgTXYT/w0jbBW/C56lnQfD!VWPolq2eM8tUVuyRSZv8hKKn6itdYgyVLHW2jBTS+BmUlFLx
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[Default] The Gay Gaucho typed:

>What is a "sentence," Scout?

That's when you string words together to form a coherent thought, but
I understand how that's a foreign concept for you.

I don't have to form sentences at the Jolly Kone Parking Lot-- I just
get on my knees and open my mouth.

Bring Your Cock To the Jolly Kone!!!
It's The Central Valley's Fellatio Zone!
If You're On The Left or On The Right
I'll Suck Your Cock and I Won't Bite!
I'll Make You Cum and I'll Make you Moan!
Rudy Canoza Will Make Sure You Get Blown!
On Your Cock My Skills I'll Hone!
My Expertise Is Quite Well Known!
That Talent, You Know, Is Unconcealed!
I've Sucked Every Cock In Bakersfield!
Watch Me Work That Hardened Bone!
I'm Right On Top Of The Skull Fuck Throne™!

Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
From: Scout
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 15:18 UTC
References: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
From: (Scout)
Subject: Re: Building new prisons causes more prisoners
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2024 09:18:08 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 2
Message-ID: <vgb3hh$12li1$>
References: <ODsuI.19888$N%.9043@fx05.iad> <_vpyI.102672$od.4180@fx15.iad> <> <rxSRO.54739$KDwf.3770@fx01.iad> <> <vfb0tj$22men$> <XnsB21483D3AA2DA629555@> <67195f2d$11$16$> <vfdkis$2lias$> <XnsB2158607681D5629555@> <671a9c75$2$3830$> <vfg9qu$37bp4$> <qPOSO.201812$WtV9.70852@fx10.iad> <vfobiq$128d2$> <1OPTO.587228$1m96.224920@fx15.iad> <vfqtn4$1jpg9$> <LA8UO.345440$v8v2.185067@fx18.iad> <vftmb5$27j89$> <_SwUO.96083$afc4.88596@fx42.iad> <vg01ka$2naka$> <CYOUO.311408$kxD8.287781@fx11.iad> <vg2sfr$39v6m$> <jHcVO.616862$1m96.373118@fx15.iad>
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"Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
> On 11/1/2024 8:19 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>> news:CYOUO.311408$kxD8.287781@fx11.iad...
>>> On 10/31/2024 5:20 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless
>>> chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:_SwUO.96083$afc4.88596@fx42.iad...
>>>>> On 10/30/2024 7:45 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:LA8UO.345440$v8v2.185067@fx18.iad...
>>>>>>> On 10/29/2024 7:40 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>>>>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:1OPTO.587228$1m96.224920@fx15.iad...
>>>>>>>>> On 10/28/2024 7:55 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>>>>>>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>> "Klaus Schadenfreude" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:qPOSO.201812$WtV9.70852@fx10.iad...
>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/25/2024 7:14 AM, scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and
>>>>>>>>>>> gutless chickenshit who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>>>> "Skeeter" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>> news:671a9c75$2$3830$
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In article <XnsB2158607681D5629555@>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scooter, the drunken Virginia camper and gutless chickenshit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who is frightened to death of Rudy, lied:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > See, it's not the execution that is so expensive but the >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> endless > round
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > of appeals, stays, delays, and other legal maneuvers. As it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > is, you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > have the defense, a representative from the prosecutor's >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > office and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > the judge who can review any new evidence or proof of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > errors > >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > during trial that could reasonably impact the jury's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > finding.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is precisely those "endless rounds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of appeals" that uncovered over 100 innocent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> men sitting on death rows across the country.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Where [sic] they innocent? The only link produced does not
>>>>>>>>>>>> establish that.
>>>>>>>>>>> It does, scooter.
>>>>>>>>>> No, it doesn't.
>>>>>>>>> Yes, scooter, you fascist KKK swine, it does.
>>>>>>>> Stomp your little feet and scream in impotence.. the simple fact is
>>>>>>>> your link does NOT establish what you think it does
>>>>>>> It does, scooter. The claim, from Mitch Holman, was:
>>>>>>> Funny that the most active death penalty state
>>>>>>> in the country - Texas - also leads the country
>>>>>>> in DNA exonerations of inmates on death row.
>>>>>>> The link, which you unethically erased from the thread but which I
>>>>>>> easily found despite your juvenile vandalism:
>>>>>>> wrongful-convictions/
>>>>>>> has as its headline:
>>>>>>> Texas, Harris County Lead Country in Exonerations and Wrongful
>>>>>>> Convictions
>>>>>>> The link supports the claim, you fascist KKK swine and drunken
>>>>>>> Virginia camper. You lose again.
>>>>>> Yea, but there is a WORLD of difference between that headline.. and
>>>>>> your specific assertions.
>>>>> No, scooter, there is not.
>>>> So you admit you didn't even read your own cite?
> No. Whenever scooter or Kremlin Girl / Bit of Nothingness write "so you
> admit...", what follows is *always* a straw man, 100% of time. The Usenet
> opponent — scooter's and KG/BoN's intellectual superior — has never
> "admitted" anything. scooter and KG/BoN have fabricated the "admission."
> It's a straw man, a lie.

Rudy attempts to hide behind his lame assertions because he didn't read his
own source.

>> The rest of the sentenced [sic] restored to provide context.
> What is a "sentenced", scooter?
>>> No, scooter. Whenever you bleat "so you admit...", what follows is
>>> always bullshit and *not* an admission by your opponent — who always is
>>> your intellectual superior.
>> Then you did read your cited source and
> So why did you lie and say I hadn't read it, scooter?
>> were intentionally lying about what was in it?
> No, scooter. I didn't lie about what was in it, scooter. That's just you
> lying again.

Yes, you did, you do, and you will.


rocksolid light 0.9.8
clearnet tor