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alt / alt.atheism / Re: No, Zelenskyy did not tell Trump that a new prosecutor was "picking up" an investigation into "Crowdstrike"

* No, Zelenskyy did not tell Trump that a new prosecutor was "picking up" an invesKlaus Schadenfreude
`- Re: No, Zelenskyy did not tell Trump that a new prosecutor was "picking up" an iRudy Cánoza

Subject: No, Zelenskyy did not tell Trump that a new prosecutor was "picking up" an investigation into "Crowdstrike"
From: Klaus Schadenfreude
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism,, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: - Highest quality at a great price!
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 21:00 UTC
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From: (Klaus Schadenfreude)
Subject: No, Zelenskyy did not tell Trump that a new prosecutor was "picking
up" an investigation into "Crowdstrike"
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Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 14:00:20 -0700
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scooter lied about that, as he lies about everything else. Here is the entirety
of any discussion of "Crowdstrike":

shitbag insurrectionist Trump:
I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through
a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what
happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I
guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has
it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think
you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to
have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get
to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a
very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent
performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can
do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.

President Zelenskyy of Ukraine:
Yes it is very important for me and everything that you just mentioned
earlier. For me as a President, it is very important and we are open for any
future cooperation. We are ready to open a new page on cooperation in
relations between the United States and Ukraine. For that. purpose, I just
recalled our ambassador from United States and he will be replaced by a very
competent and very experienced ambassador who will work hard on making sure
that our two nations are getting closer. I would also like and hope to see
him having your trust and your confidence and have personal relations with
you so we can cooperate even more so. I will personally tell you that one of
my assistants spoke with Mr. Giuliani just recently and we are hoping very
much that Mr. Giuliani will be able to travel to Ukraine and we will meet
once he comes to Ukraine. I just wanted to assure you once again that you
have nobody but friends around us. I will make sure that I surround myself
with the best and most experienced people. I also wanted to tell you that we
are friends. We are great friends and you Mr. President have, friends in our
country so we can continue our strategic partnership. I also plan to surround
myself with great people and in addition to that investigation, I guarantee
as the President of Ukraine that all the investigations will be done openly
and candidly. That I can assure you.

Zelenskyy doesn't say one fucking word about an investigation into
"Crowdstrike," the conspiracy about which had already been *completely*
debunked. Shokin was already long gone by the time of Trump's corrupt extortion
call with Zelenskyy, so he certainly didn't drop any investigation, and the
successor prosecutor

Note shitbag insurrectionist Trump's appallingly shitty manner of speaking:

"our country has been through a lot" — a lot of *what*?
"this whole situation with Ukraine" — *what* fucking "situation"?
"they say Crowdstrike" — *who* was saying "Crowdstrike"?
"The server, they say Ukraine has it" — *what* server? *who* says Ukraine
has it?
"they say a lot of it started with Ukraine" — *who* says? a lot of *what*?

Trump is a fucking idiot, and he always shows it.

Subject: Re: No, Zelenskyy did not tell Trump that a new prosecutor was "picking up" an investigation into "Crowdstrike"
From: Rudy Cánoza
Newsgroups:, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism, alt.politics.democrats.d, talk.politics.guns
Organization: Blow Job Reparations Society
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 21:56 UTC
References: 1
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 21:56:56 +0000
From: (Rudy Cánoza)
Subject: Re: No, Zelenskyy did not tell Trump that a new prosecutor was "picking up" an investigation into "Crowdstrike"
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 14:56:44 -0700
Distribution: The Jolly Kone Parking Lot
Keywords: Free Blowjobs To All Trump Supporters
Summary: Expressing my deep homo love for Trump and Mr. Hartung
Organization: Blow Job Reparations Society
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Question_01: Do you have to wear a condom when I blow you? A. No!
Question_02: Do I take it up the ass? A. Repeatedly!
Question_03: Am I an impotent midget with a Napoleon complex? A. You *do* know me!
Question_04: How many cocks can I suck in one afternoon? A. How many you got, stud?
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[Default] A diseased incel dwarf typed:
>I cannot refute a single fact laid at my feet by Scout.
>His superior intelligence has, once again, rendered me into the
>impotent, psychopathic, narcissistic fellatio provider that I've
>devolved into. I should know better than to even attempt to argue with
>him, as he is my physical, moral, and intellectual superior by several
>orders of magnitude. But, being a leftist, and member of the Democrat
>Party, I am incapable of learning or understanding anything but the
>simplest of concepts, like wiping my own ass and-- frankly-- I'm not
>even good at that, either. I also enjoy it when he humiliates me in
>front of everyone. It makes me all tingly.

I can make ANYBODY feel tingly! Come see me at the Jolly Kone!

If you're feeling down and out
If you're feeling glum
You should know that I'll be glad
To take it up the bum!
Blow jobs aren't the only thing
I happily provide
I'll lift my skirt to offer you
A hole to cum inside!
Please ignore the sores and pus
I've had a little issue
I'm sure that it'll wipe right off
And I'll give you a tissue!
So meet me at the Jolly Kone!
Two holes and there's no waiting!
You know that I'm the best there is
On that there's no debating!


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