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You can do very well in speculation where land or anything to do with dirt is concerned.

alt / alt.atheism / Re: Texas Democrat woman allegedly tried to drown Palestinian-American girl, aged 3

* Feeble Old Trump - 'We're Going to Bring Our Country Back From Hell From PrisonRyan
`* Re: Feeble Old Trump - 'We're Going to Bring Our Country Back From Hell From PrUbiquitous
 `* Re: Feeble Old Trump - 'We're Going to Bring Our Country Back From Hell From PrRyan
  `- Re: Texas Democrat woman allegedly tried to drown Palestinian-American girl, ageMLK

Subject: Feeble Old Trump - 'We're Going to Bring Our Country Back From Hell From Prison'
From: Ryan
Newsgroups:, or.politics, talk.politics.misc, talk.politics.guns,, alt.atheism
Organization: d
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 16:38 UTC
From: (Ryan)
Subject: Feeble Old Trump - 'We're Going to Bring Our Country Back From Hell From Prison'
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 16:38:55 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: d
Lines: 85
Message-ID: <v56umv$3rbtr$>
Injection-Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 18:38:56 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="4e5c9e0c685d167301201dad3f335d2e";
logging-data="4042683"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX195/MXBfDJkWf8E5jvs4wmGm8qD1ealS1o="
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
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>Johnny wrote:
>> Saturday, 16 December
>> Denouncing President Joe Biden unleashing "hell" on America, former
>> President Donald Trump hailed "what a difference a president can make;
>> it really does make a difference."
>> "Joe Biden is a low-IQ individual," Trump told his Durham, New
>> Hampshire, campaign rally in a speech that aired live and in its
>> entirety on Newsmax. "He is truly the worst, most incompetent, and
>> most corrupt president in the history of our country.
>> "But with your vote in this election, together we're going to save
>> America and we're going to bring our country back from hell.
> Lowest unemployment rate in decades,
>highest stock market in history = "hell"?

Trump is a feeble old pedophile with no new ideas. His brain is shot,
his body is shot and he's headed to prison until he dies there.

Neurosyphilis 1: Aside from any analysis of signs and symptoms, the
disease can be confidently ruled out for other reasons.

As of early 2017 Trump had been on a tetracycline long-term ("refilled
prescriptions" 2) for rosacea. This would eradicate any latent
syphilis, given that just 14 days of a tetracycline is a standard
syphilis treatment in persons allergic to penicillin 3. At the time of
Trump's first marriage New York state still required pre-marital
syphilis tests 4. This does not rule out a later infection, but it
does clear his teens and twenties. As a germaphobe, Trump would be
expected to seek treatment immediately for any of the symptoms of
primary or secondary syphilis (the precursor states to neurosyphilis,
which is a form of tertiary syphilis).

Dementia (1): In January 2018 seventy-five health professionals and
para-professionals (including 8 physicians) signed a letter to Trump's
physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, stating their concern that the president had
dementia 5. They urged Jackson to administer the "Montreal Cognitive
Assessment" test to Trump.
The White House had earlier declared that a cognitive assessment would
not be part of Trump's upcoming medical examination that month 6, but
Jackson apparently heeded the letter (kudos to him) and administered
precisely the test urged. Trump got a perfect score 7, after which the
leaders behind the original letter declared that was insufficient to
rule out pre-dementia 8. (Which raises the question: Why did they urge
so inadequate a tool as the Montreal test?) Jackson afterwards
answered extensive press queries about the test and about Trump's
mental abilities 9.

Dementia (2): The clear change in Trump's speaking pattern over the last
30+ years 10 -- simpler words, simpler sentences -- has also been taken as
a sign of brain degeneration. However, it is not possible to ascribe the
change to brain disease without first ruling out the more likely reason
that the simpler words and cadences are politically effective 11. Indeed,
linguistic analysis of 21,739 of his tweets over 10 years supports this,
showing that, in that medium, Trump has 4 language styles that shift
systematically depending on his communication goals 12 13.
Trump's language is also remarkable for its slipperiness. Sentences,
or more often, sentence fragments, are hedged, qualified, blurred,
and, especially, ascribed to nameless third parties. His interview
with Dr. Oz is an excellent example 15, and he was able to deliver it
off the cuff. This speech pattern, so fluid as it emanates from Trump,
can seem like twisted genius because the rest of us would have had to
labor hard to draft answers sounding as natural, helpful, and easily
digested as his, but so lacking in certainties. In reality, it is more
likely that Trump's years of business dealings have made him
well-practiced in such haranguing speech.

Dementia (3): For Trump in 2019 Dr. Zebra does not entertain the diagnosis
of dementia of the Alzheimer type, the hallmark of which is declining
memory for recent events. Whatever one may say about Trump's mental state,
it is quite clear from even his brief interactions with the press that his
memory for events of the day is excellent. Continuing the outside scrutiny
of Trump's mental faculties is completely valid 16, as is urging his
physicians' attentiveness to it, but such scrutiny must consider both the
denominator and the numerator, i.e. what the President does well, not just
his flubs.

Subject: Re: Feeble Old Trump - 'We're Going to Bring Our Country Back From Hell From Prison'
From: Ryan
Newsgroups:, or.politics, alt.politics.trump, talk.politics.guns,, alt.atheism
Followup: or.politics,alt.politics.trump,talk.politics.guns
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 15:24 UTC
References: 1 2
From: (Ryan)
Subject: Re: Feeble Old Trump - 'We're Going to Bring Our Country Back From Hell From Prison'
Followup-To: or.politics,alt.politics.trump,talk.politics.guns
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 15:24:36 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 24
Message-ID: <v59enk$d4ei$>
References: <v56umv$3rbtr$> <>
Injection-Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 17:24:37 +0200 (CEST)
Injection-Info:; posting-host="918f556f50ea42505d08c07cee8d44a0";
logging-data="430546"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX1/+e2cCDwOqS0rWZzRN0iMY7Evi+g+t590="
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Cancel-Lock: sha1:RnU0Iur2j1FNYUYnIGz9kKaMefQ=
View all headers

>In article <v56umv$3rbtr$>, wrote:
>>Trump is a feeble old pedophile with no new ideas. His brain is shot,
>>his body is shot and he's headed to prison until he dies there.
>It's called "projection"...
>Weird how leftists respond to evidence that DOJ-certified imbecile
>Resisdent Joke Biden's senility not with counter arguments, but with
>claims that "Trump is senile tooo...!!!"?
>"The beer brewed here, it is used to make the brew beered here Ooh, Earth
> Rider, thanks for the Great Lakes. I wonder why…"
> -- Joe Biden

Must have touched a nerve. The winger is foaming at the mouth and posting to
himself again.

Subject: Re: Feeble Old Trump - 'We're Going to Bring Our Country Back From Hell From Prison'
From: Ubiquitous
Newsgroups:, or.politics, talk.politics.misc,, alt.atheism
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 15:11 UTC
References: 1
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 15:16:16 +0000
Subject: Re: Feeble Old Trump - 'We're Going to Bring Our Country Back From Hell From Prison'
From: (Ubiquitous)
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.12N (x86 32bit)
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 11:11:51 -0400
References: <v56umv$3rbtr$>
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X-164: "Meriday in the Morning"
X-165: Copyright 1992 by Mike Jittlov
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In article <v56umv$3rbtr$>, wrote:

>Trump is a feeble old pedophile with no new ideas. His brain is shot,
>his body is shot and he's headed to prison until he dies there.

It's called "projection"...

Weird how leftists respond to evidence that DOJ-certified imbecile Resisdent
Joke Biden's senility not with counter arguments, but with claims that "Trump
is senile tooo...!!!"?


"The beer brewed here, it is used to make the brew beered here Ooh, Earth
Rider, thanks for the Great Lakes. I wonder why…"
-- Joe Biden

Subject: Re: Texas Democrat woman allegedly tried to drown Palestinian-American girl, aged 3
From: MLK
Newsgroups: alt.atheism, misc.immigration.usa, or.politics, sac.politics, talk.politics.guns
Organization: - The Internet Problem Provider
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 21:24 UTC
References: 1 2 3
From: money@lootin.coon (MLK)
References: <v56umv$3rbtr$>
<> <v59enk$d4ei$>
Subject: Re: Texas Democrat woman allegedly tried to drown
Palestinian-American girl, aged 3
Message-ID: <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 23:24:03 +0200 (CEST)
Newsgroups: alt.atheism, misc.immigration.usa, or.politics, sac.politics,
Organization: - The Internet Problem Provider
Injection-Info: - 2001::1/128
View all headers

On 23 Jun 2024, Ryan <> posted some

> I'm foaming at the mouth and posting to myself again.

The US�s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization is
calling for hate crime charges to be filed against a Texas woman accused
of trying to drown a three-year-old Palestinian-American girl while saying
that the child�s mother wasn�t really American.

For now, the suspect in the case has been booked on counts of attempted
murder and injury to a child.

The case dates back to 19 May, when police in Euless, Texas, were called
to an apartment complex swimming pool where there had been reports of a
disturbance between two women, according to the local NBC affiliate.

Witnesses told police �a woman who was very intoxicated had tried to drown
a child and argued with the child�s mother�, said a police news release
reviewed by CNN.

The child�s mother told police that the alleged attacker � since
identified as 42-year-old Elizabeth Wolf � questioned where she was from
and whether the two children playing in the pool were hers, police said.
Wolf also made statements about the mother not being an American, police

In a news release on Friday, the Council on American-Islamic Relations
(Cair) said the child�s mother wore a hijab and modest swimwear, and she
was watching her children play in the shallow end of the pool when Wolf
approached her.

�The alleged attacker reportedly approached the mother with racist
interrogations then jumped into the swimming pool and grabbed the children
to the deep end of the pool to allegedly drown them,� the statement said,
adding that the mother�s six-year-old son was able to escape but her
three-year-old daughter was unable to do the same.

�The alleged attacker snatched off the mother�s head scarf and used it to
beat the mother as well as kicking her to keep her away while forcing her
daughter�s head underwater,� Cair�s statement said.

A bystander helped rescue the three-year-old, Cair said, with the police
news release adding that the child �had been yelling for help and was
coughing up water�.

According to Cair, after police were called out and an officer arrested
Wolf, she allegedly yelled to another bystander who was comforting the
mother: �Tell her I will kill her and I will kill her whole family.�

Wolf has since reportedly made $40,000 bail to be released from jail
pending the resolution of her case.

In a statement released through Cair, the mother � identified only as Mrs
H � said: �We are American citizens, originally from Palestine, and I
don�t know where to go to feel safe with my kids.

�My country is facing a war, and we are facing that hate here. My daughter
is traumatized; whenever I open the apartment door, she runs away and
hides, telling me she is afraid the lady will come and immerse her head in
the water again.�

She continued: �Also, my husband�s employment is jeopardized, due to
having to leave work to accompany me and our four kids whenever we have
appointments and errands to run.�

The case against Wolf has triggered outrage from American Islamic
community members, especially as anti-Muslim and Arab sentiments have
grown across the US amid Israel�s ongoing war on Gaza.

Since Hamas�s 7 October attacks killed 1,200 Israelis and took hostages,
Israeli military strikes have killed more than 37,500 Palestinians while
leaving nearly 2 million survivors forcibly displaced across Gaza amid
severe shortages in food, water, medical supplies and fuel as a result of
Israeli aid restrictions, according to officials.

�We are seeing a new level of bigotry here where a person deeply believes
they get to decide, based on religion, spoken language, and country of
origin, whose kids deserve to stay alive and whose don�t,� Cair�s Austin,
Texas, operations manager, Shaimaa Zayan, said.

Zayan added: �We ask for a hate-crime probe, a higher bail bond, and an
open conversation with officials to address this alarming increase in
Islamophobia, anti-Arab, and anti-Palestinian sentiment.�

The Texas state representative Salman Bhojani echoed similar sentiments,
saying: �I�m shocked and appalled by this alleged racist, Islamophobic
occurrence that took place in my town. Hate has no place in Euless � or
anywhere in our great state.�

In some respects, the case called to mind that of Wadea Al-Fayoume, a six-
year-old Muslim boy who was stabbed and killed while his mother was
seriously wounded in an attack in their apartment in Illinois just days
after Israel launched its war on Gaza.

The boy�s family�s landlord, identified as 71-year-old Joseph Czuba, was
later charged with murder and a hate crime.

Advocacy groups have reported an uptick in both antisemitism and
Islamophobia since 7 October.

With respect to the latter of those categories, Cair reported in January
that it received 3,578 complaints of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim incidents
in the last three months of 2023, marking a 178% increase over a similar
period in the previous year.


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