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Don't read everything you believe.

alt / alt.arts.poetry.urban / Proper gander People

o Proper gander PeopleChristianKnight

Subject: Proper gander People
From: ChristianKnight
Newsgroups: alt.arts.poetry.urban
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2023 07:46 UTC
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We are proper gander people wanting to look as hard as we can.

See how we should walk and hear the best way to talk,

To fit in and feel welcome, so we never have to go away, to get and flee, to run.

Gaining respect from all under the sun.

Of course first comes the news with it's daily brain bruise,

Over loading sensations to compel an entire nation,

To forget oneself and look at the people that matter,

Sit back in shock and get a little fatter.

We are put where we are placed, crowded into a tight space,

Houses and sections shrinking every year smaller,

Many days the phone receives a spammy crank caller,

Buy this or that and you can get rich, and move to a previously unobtainable niche.

Followers to others feelings, it's so easy to be taken in by other peoples reeling's,

Wanting to help in any way we can, to benefit from an advertisements promised proper plan.

Make way for the mighty with their cold hard stare, give them their path, being bothersome don't dare.

When the proud and demeaning turn to you with their attack,

Listen carefully and precisely and find the knowledge that they lack,

Retire graciously spoken and seen until safe to turn your back, then dignified and clean.

Eating breakfast lunch and dinner on time,

Never diverting from the broadcast line,

If it gets official we listen to every sight and sound,

And then we know we are safe as we go around.


rocksolid light 0.9.8
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