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alt / alt.angst / The Valid and the Invalid

o The Valid and the InvalidIlya Shambat

Subject: The Valid and the Invalid
From: Ilya Shambat
Newsgroups: alt.angst
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 22:19 UTC
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There are many situations in which people mistake the value for the abuses of the value. This leads them to throw away what is valid along with what is invalid.

Valid: Confronting abuse against unattractive people. Invalid: militating against family, beauty and love.

Valid: Wanting business to treat workers better. Invalid: advocating for slaughters of propertied class.

Valid: Seeking more responsible treatment of the environment. Invalid: attacking scientific and technological progress.

Valid: loving your ethnic group. Invalid: hating other ethnic groups.

What we see in such situations, once again, is confusion between the value and the misuses of the value. That stupid teenagers and unethical plastic surgeons do wrong things for beauty does not damn beauty; it damns them. That some in business are ugly to their workers does not damn the propertied; it damns them. That some people see environmental protection as incompatible with the goals of capitalism does not damn capitalism; it damns them. That some people think that patriotism means hating other countries does not damn patriotism; it damns them.

When confronted with abuses of a value, the correct solution is therefore distinguishing the valid from the invalid. Stupid teenagers and unethical plastic surgeons don’t own beauty; it has existed for many centuries before them and will continue existing long after they are gone. People who use money for wrong things do not own money; there are all sorts of prosperous people, and many of them are good people. People who blindly plunder nature do not own science and technology; the best technologies are congruent with nature and realize both economic benefit and environmental sanity. And people who support such things as white supremacism make total asses of their ethnic groups and lead to the ethnic group being hated.

So we have seen people look at the wrong done in families and becoming anti-family. That is wrong. The problem is not the value but the misuses of the value. People doing wrong things in families discredits family as such, which is a completely destructive direction. Family should not be equated with its abuses. Family can, and should, be done better.

There are any number of applications to this. And when we see a value being tarnished by its abuses, the correct solution, once again, is to separate the valid from the invalid. Then these kinds of problems actually have a chance to be solved in a wise and principled way.

This, then, becomes the solution to the situation.


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