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alt / alt.angst / Intrinsic Conflagrations

o Intrinsic ConflagrationsIlya Shambat

Subject: Intrinsic Conflagrations
From: Ilya Shambat
Newsgroups: alt.angst
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 21:50 UTC
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Subject: Intrinsic Conflagrations
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Project the mind - it resonates with thunder;
Reject the mind - around you it burns.
Intrepid joy - impassioned restless wonder -
The heart-suffused and life-rich way to learn -

Intrinsic conflagrations, hard to pity
Or to respect, or even yet to see -
The nature's splendor reaching into city
To render its inhabitants half-free

Until joy drops, and out appears concept
And meaning - this, if only for some!
And from beneath the axioms, a rocket
Ballasts into the space, explodes and is gone

And then - another time, another meaning,
The meaning is constructed from all sides
And forms the structure that informs the seeming
Which then becomes the vision of mankind -

And then come other meanings and percievings
Constructed like dynamic SQL…
The culture deepens, thickens as it's dreaming
And builds to levels more removed from hell.


rocksolid light 0.9.8
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