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alt / alt.angst / Loose women and mean women

o Loose women and mean womenIlya Shambat

Subject: Loose women and mean women
From: Ilya Shambat
Newsgroups: alt.angst
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2023 07:34 UTC
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Subject: Loose women and mean women
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I have known many men who referred to their women as sluts. My response to that is that, if the woman was not a slut, you would not be having sex with her. So thank your lucky stars that the woman is a slut.

Baby boomer women have a reputation for being loose. In my generation the women were much worse than loose. They were mean. They referred to their mothers as breeders and sluts. They thought that they were better than them when in fact they were much worse.

There can be any number of reasons why a woman would practice loose sexuality. I have known any number of such women, and in most cases they simply hadn’t found the right man. The two women with whom I’ve been for longer than a year both found a man and settled down with him, and both of them have stayed in their present relationships for a long time.

So some think that the worst thing in the world is extramarital sex. But these same people fail to confront genuinely wrong sexual practices such as incest. This is unbelievable hypocrisy. Vast effort is being made to attack things that are nobody’s business – sexual practices of consenting adults - while children are denied safety. If you truly believe in family values, you would focus on making things safe for children. Incest is a much worse sin than extramarital sex; and it is important that it be dealt with accordingly.

What is really worse: a loose woman or a mean woman? At least the loose woman is not attacking you all the time. At least the loose woman does not have an agenda against all men. Yet they are being treated worse than the mean women. This is wrong. This is very wrong.

There are many things that are much worse than loose sexuality. The men who get two-timed by loose women do not have a monopoly on being wronged. People do all sorts of wrong things all the time. This is the case with men; this is the case with women; this is the case with everyone.

More people need to keep things in perspective. An attractive woman who is available for them is probably also available for any number of others. They need to understand that and act accordingly. A woman who is attractive is probably going to be attractive to any number of others. And these men need to understand that before they get involved with such women.


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