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alt / alt.agnosticism / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part H - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part H - Daryl KabatoffSqueak

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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part H - Daryl Kabatoff
November 28th 2023 4:30 pm 238,348 words (278 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

Good thing it is mainly “white” people being stripped of their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities, for if the blacks, Asians and Latin Americans were to be stripped of their rights and tortured as well, society might just come to an end. Increasing the number of Sikh, Hindu and Islamic psychiatrists will go a long way to insuring that it is only white people who are being tortured in psychiatric facilities, and thereby society will be preserved, or some damn thing like that. And look at the money being saved by killing the white people by blowing a little carfentanil into their faces, killing the white people with these Chinese toxins saves society a lot of money, for it costs a great deal of money to have them tortured to death in psychiatric facilities. We learned our lesson, the cost of making new psychiatric facilities is so very high that it is best to make the new torture facilities by borrowing money from the white children. Put the white children into debt, a debt so high that these kids will spend their entire lives trying to pay the compound interest on the money borrowed to make the new torture facilities, or to pay the compound interest on the money borrowed to put the new Islamic, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic immigrants into hotels, or to pay the mortgages on their new homes, or to provide these pagan immigrants with a good education. I’m sure the new Islamic, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic immigrants really care about the situation of psychiatric horror, they care about it as much as the white people who laughed at me when I complained that I was being tortured by Hindus at The University of Saskatchewan and at Saskatoon City Hospital. These new Islamic, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic immigrants want good paying unionized jobs working as janitors or as food service providers in the many psychiatric facilities across Canada. The only friend I have is Jesus, and I cry out to Him and request that He honors His assorted promises in Scripture and terminates your sorry ignorant and unrepentant asses.

In the news (not the mainstream news) in August 2021 we learn of some people in western nations who are adamantly refusing to take the bogus Covid death jabs, they are arrested and sent for psychiatric treatment. They will receive the Covid death jabs in the psychiatric facilities together with a myriad of psychiatric death jabs. That will teach them. Should they ever get out of the psychiatric facilities they can expect to shuffle rather than walk, and incoherently mutter rather than talk, and should be expected to lose their friends and have people rob them of anything they have left of value, including their treasured pets. Then they will be expected to attend church on either Saturday or Sunday and tithe. Another earthquake and tsunami will strike Indonesia and the Christian church they are attending will expect them to contribute to another Indonesian (Islamic) relief fund.

In the news (not the mainstream news) women in France are increasingly unable to go for coffee in a coffee shop as these coffee shops are run by Islamists and have Islamic customers that make life unpleasant for the women who desire to enter. The women are denied service and are openly insulted and threatened, the Islamists expect the women to stay out of public view. Now in France, both men and women are unable to buy groceries if they do not take the depopulation death jabs. The men in France allowed the women in France to be turned into second class citizens by the Moslem males, then the French men were turned into second class citizens as well, and God permits this because they deserve it. Appeasers never win.

Not in the news, women in Canada who walk past mosques with their heads, arms and or legs uncovered are told by Islamists that they are not allowed to wander so close to the mosques dressed as they are. This happens at mosques located in urban centers such as in Edmonton Alberta where there are people continually walking up and down the street and past an inner-city mosque. The women in Canada and other western nations allow a growing population of Islamists to occupy their cities and make increasing demands upon their behavior. The white Canadian women are told to cover their arms and legs when they walk beside a Canadian mosque, the women ignore the demand and continue on their way, and as time progresses there will be increasing demands that they will continue to try to ignore. The Canadian women do not fight for their right to wear their own choice of clothes and instead allow the Islamists to come here in greater numbers and with increasing demands until the area is only occupied by Islamists and any women daring to walk in the area is entirely covered. My suggestion is that when an Islamist standing in front of a mosque informs a Canadian woman to cover her arms and legs, that Islamist should be beaten to a point so that he will no longer be able stand in front of a mosque and make any demands to any women. The women in Edmonton and other Canadian cities are being accosted by Islamists and told to cover up, the women then avoid the streets where they were accosted and the area becomes a no-go-zone, full of Islamists, who become increasingly emboldened to demand compliance to their dress restrictions. Or like in France, the Canadian women are made to feel extremely uncomfortable if they dare to visit a coffee shop, lewd and threatening comments are made, and rather than fight for their right as a free citizen, they instead cower and allow the Islamists to continue with their anti-women and anti-Christian program and take over the neighborhoods. The Islamists are actively pushing their Sharia Law where they hope to start beheading the women who do not comply to their dress codes. When an Islamist makes an issue of your choice of clothes and points at your uncovered arms and legs, you should make it difficult for him or her to point. There is a time for war, but Canadians and Americans are instead busy fighting for homosexuals, communists, for the Catholic Church and for Islamists. Imagine how women are treated in Islamic no-go-zones, many women are not allowed to leave the confines of their “home” and venture onto the streets, and their room is without a window, police are pelted with rocks if they venture into the area. The Canadian women are patiently standing by, some women are willingly covering their heads in order to please their new Moslem male masters.

As they grow in numbers they make increasing demands upon the societies that they infiltrate. If you do not heed my advice and push back against the Islamization of Canada, then you and your children will be turned into sex slaves and beheaded. If Canadian women are not able to defend their right to wear their own choice of clothes then they should get fitted for and buy their burkas now before the prices of burkas multiplies tenfold overnight, as just happened in Kabul. Because women are not allowed to have businesses, you will have a male Islamist measuring you from behind a sheet and he will sell you the burka, and you better like it. The Islamists killed many overseas and came to Canada with the wealth they stole from their Christian victims, and now they stand on the Canadian streets and issue demands regarding attire to the Canadian women walking by. While this is goink on, the Canadian men of white European descent are busy playing or watching hockey, drinking beer, turning trees into blinkin’ idols, and masturbating, and all with an increasing fervor. The Bible doth not command us to sit back and be abused.

The Canadian women tolerate the abuse and the threat to their few remaining freedoms because they are appeasers just like the French appeasers, and just like the Swede and the British appeasers, and just like the Australian and the New Zealander appeasers…. The Swedish appeasers allow the Swedish women to be raped, Sweden has become the rape capital of the western world. There are frequent, perhaps weekly, grenades being thrown around Sweden by the new Swedes. One night in August 2021 the new Swedes torched over 200 cars, the new Swedes frequently torch dozens of cars in a single night. In Britain they confronted the problem of British women being raped and whites being stabbed by charging you with hate crimes if you dare to speak out about the bullshit, and they covered their police cars and police uniforms with homosexual and Islamic diversity crap, so instead of upholding the law, these police officers now spend their time upholding homosexuality and Islam. In Sweden they teach the new Swedes to march and to shoot. And in Canada the new Canadians stand in front of mosques and issue fashion directives to the women who dare to walk past… and the Canadian women, and the Canadian men, couldn’t care less. Appeasers never win.

The Koran repeatedly demands that the Islamic women enslave or kill me, not to cover their faces and hide, what the hell is wrong with you?!!! The Bible doesn’t support the idea that Mary is in heaven, that she is blessed (blessed rather are those that hear the Word of God and obey it, said Jesus) or that we can pray to her (talking to the dead is called necromancy), yet most of the people on earth who consider themselves Christian pray to Mary and consider her in heaven and blessed, again what the hell is wrong with you?!!! The Bible doesn’t support the idea that you should assault, torture and kill those people who criticize your blinkin’ fertility tree idols or who question the presence of Mary, but blinkin’ trees and Mary have become more important than your fellow man, closely followed by the need to hand our nation over to Islamists. What the hell is wrong with you?!!!

Click here to read the complete article

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