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alt / alt.agnosticism / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl KabatoffSqueak

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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part F - Daryl Kabatoff
August 20th 2023 12:11 pm 218,156 words (256 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

The male native aboriginal Indians worked hand in hand with the federal and provincial governments and took away any power native women traditionally held, and now they seek to make new alliances and give power to black Islamists, while shipping the grain grown on reserves to China. And there are good paying jobs for the native Indians helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in Western Canada (with money borrowed from future generations). They stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches at the Indian reservations as well, and then defend the traditions by singing Jingle Bells and having people arrested under the Mental Health Act for daring to speak out against the Catholic traditions. The Protestants on the reserves don’t care, for they embrace the Catholic fertility rites, and at One Arrow Reserve they even stuck a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian penis. At all native reservations they flip-flop between Catholicism, Protestantism and traditional aboriginal beliefs depending upon whom they want to fuck on any particular day. As Dr. Gene Marcoux said before he resumed torturing me with psychiatric drugs “Everybody does it” (everybody turns trees into decorated idols). It is far far far more important to maintain Catholic fertility rites and hand your nation over to Chinese and Islamists than to end psychiatry and psychiatric torture. People are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror. Go get your God-damned trees to blink then hand over your nation to members of alternative fertility cults.

Annually they spend many millions of dollars turning evergreen trees into lavishly decorated blinkin' idols, then the trees caught fire in California, Oregon and Washington State and burned their homes down. Why? Maybe they decorated their trees with blinkin' lights of the wrong color, maybe they got their trees to blink at the wrong frequency, or maybe they failed to put enough tinfoil on their blinkin' trees. Or maybe their homes didn't have tall enough ceilings, preventing them from getting and decorating tall enough trees. Or maybe they imported alternative fertility cult members who lit the forests on fire. Sure the Bible repeatedly condemns turning trees into decorated idols, but what doth God know?

Saskatoon’s immensely popular Louis Riel Day which included the Louis Riel relay race was a celebration recognizing the co-operation between natives and Europeans and the building of our nation. There were horses, canoes and runners involved in the relay race, people really liked watching the event and lined both sides of the riverbank to view the spectacle. Saskatoon City Council cancelled the Louis Riel Day and the Riel relay race and replaced the event with Chinese Dragon Boat races, and at about this same time the media made a flip… on the evening news rather than demonizing the Chinese as they had for the previous decades, they said that the Chinese people were just like you and me, see they have blinkin’ trees and are celebrating “Christmas” (which is actually the use of God’s Name in vain and is a Catholic fertility rite). The media made another flip around that time... for years the media was publishing stories of La Nina and El Nino weather oscillations causing periodic drought and famine to some continents while leaving the other continents either unscathed or with abundant rain, suddenly those stories ceased and were replaced by a new anti-industrial narrative. In reality famine is due to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation combined with a lack of compassion (see Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third Word, by Mike Davis). It is imperative to our enemies that North American industry is destroyed for this will make many people homeless and more easily consumed by the witches. Forcing people to become homeless makes it easier for the witches to get away with eating people… their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is goink on (Habakkuk 3:14), and churches keep people ignorant of the cannibalism being conducted by censoring Scriptural references to the act. There is enough wealth in North America (and Australia and New Guinea…) to insure everyone has a home and is well fed, and this can be accomplished without benefitting landlords and lawyers. Remove the industry and you will remove jobs, the wealth and even the homes, and make it easier to consume the growing numbers of impoverished without raising alarm. And without any coal and oil and industries, we would of course have no ability to equip an army to defend our sorry asses from the Chinese soldiers, who are landing here daily. We should be making anti-tank guns and sending the Chinese soldiers back home. And there is also the issue of Charles the Islamic Anti-Christ, and his Islamic United Nations army, and air force and navy, Charles has been funding the spread of Islam for decades.

Do not be alarmed, cannibals will not be breaking into your home and devouring you as their delight is to devour people without anybody being aware of what is going on (Habakkuk 3:14). The cannibals will instead enact legislation to bankrupt you and make you homeless, this way when they eat you, it will not be apparent that you are missing and so there will be no cause for alarm. The cannibals don’t care if the Chinese or the Islamists rule our nations. The only people breaking into your homes presently are the drug fueled people, but eventually it will be the Islamists who will arrive to cut your heads off.

And on page C3 in the Saskatoon-Star Phoenix on October 17th 2020, there is an article on the Liberal government’s new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program, which replaces the CERB (Canadian Emergency Response Benefit). Both the old CERB (Canadian Emergency Response Benefit) program and the new CRB (Canada Recovery Benefit) program have provided and are now providing $500 per week to non-Canadians living in Canada. The Canadians of white European descent who failed to obtain jobs before the Fear Flu broke out remain impoverished and often homeless, because they were not employed the previous year they are ineligible to participate in the program. Keep in mind that Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus that are not Canadian citizens are being trained as medical doctors including as psychiatrists in Canadian Universities, and are allowed to “work” in Canada without being Canadian citizens. And also under Trudeau, jobs such as these are handed out to people of foreign nationalities without having to offer the job first to Canadian citizens. It is the Canadians of white European descent that comprise the vast bulk of the people who are stripped of their rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities… complain about the mismanagement of Canada in an inappropriate manner and expect to be arrested under the Mental Health Act and begin your “treatment”. And keep in mind that most of the Christians in the middle-east were recently slaughtered by Islamists, and that these Islamists who murdered them and stole their savings were allowed to come to Canada and keep these savings and were provided with taxpayer funds to start new lives here.

I was stripped of my rights in 1988 and brutally tortured for years, I begged in vain for assistance to flee Canada and all the Canadians of white European descent could do for me is laugh at me, libel me, rob me and brutally assault me further, for they did not appreciate it when I criticized their most beloved pagan traditions. Now in 2020 they lose their jobs and businesses, now they lose their nation to members of alternative fertility cults, and they continue to publish obituaries claiming that their smitten children and otherwise deceased family members are up in heaven with Mary, for they abided by traditions (traditions that are in opposition to God’s Commandments). Jesus never supported the idea that His mother was in heaven, nor did He agree that His mother is blessed. “...a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”” -Luke 11:28-29 RSV

The way I see it, is that the white Canadians of European descent (including the Doukhobors and Adventists) are compassionless to me and to other victims of psychiatric horror and deserve the loss of their nation to Islam. Laugh and sing Jingle Bells, post photos on social media of your children and family members posing next to the pagan idols. You have Egyptian penises on the roofs of your churches, you place Egyptian penises on the tops of evergreen trees that you turn into blinkin’ idols, you support media, schools and churches that censor Scriptural references to cannibalism, you train and employ Hindu, Sikh and Islamic psychiatrists to torture people to death, you are absolutely compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror… Lose your businesses, lose your homes, pay compound interest on the “money” Trudeau hands out to foreigners living in Canada, laugh at me and have me tortured for criticizing your churches. Canadians spent millions of dollars having me brutally tortured for years, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward now consider themselves rich enough to give $500 each week to non-Canadians who are unable to find employment here in Canada. Sing Jingle Bells, turn trees into decorated idols and proclaim that you are saved regardless of what the Bible instructs. Keep voting for the communists who hand over your nation to Chinese, Islamists or any other foreigner. Beat me to the point of death at your Seventh-day Adventist Church for daring to proclaim that your church is united with the Catholic churches in teaching traditions in place of God’s Commandments.

Click here to read the complete article

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