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alt / alt.agnosticism / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part G - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part G - Daryl KabatoffSqueak

Subject: Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part G - Daryl Kabatoff
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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part G - Daryl Kabatoff
June 18th 2023 1:49 pm 207,242 words (242 pages)
“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

The Hindu psychiatrists who tortured me were a tag-team married couple, after years of torturing me the female Hindu decided that I was no longer “schizophrenic” but was now “psychotic” instead, but for her to change her diagnosis she required the opinion of another psychiatrist. So along comes her Hindu husband who visited me in my prison-torture room in Saskatoon City Hospital, and after about a two minute visit he filled out the paperwork declaring that I was now psychotic (I was calm, sat on the side of the bed and said nothing to indicate a mental illness), the declaration was made as the Hindu team did not want me to be set free after this most recent set of six weeks of confinement and torture. If they could keep me in the hospital with a psychotic label then they would be able to bill the province for more than the repeated six week torture sessions as they had done to date. It was always three weeks of government legislated brutal horrid torture followed by a government legislated appeal panel hearing, followed by the mandatory and government legislated second set of three weeks of brutal horrid torture, and on the last day another hearing and a depot drug injection, followed by my provincial government legislated release and then a couple months of utter agony from the drugs. I and the other victims of psychiatric horror were always released at the end of the six week period of confinement as the government legislated that, then the NDP came to power provincially and removed that right and gave more rights to the psychiatrists, who could then confine people endlessly and bill the province for the longer periods of “care”. The Saskatchewan NDP came to power in 1991, and their very first act of legislation was to provide more rights to the psychiatrists and less rights to their victims, and then the NDP were elected provincially in both Alberta and British Columbia. Psychiatric horror was either not an issue or it was all very funny to the Catholics in the Canadian prairies provinces and on the west coast, who scorned the victims of psychiatric horror and then voted this Marxist political party into office. Graham Construction and the Big-Nosed Cree swooped in to take advantage of the situation and built new torture facilities in North Battleford. A subsequent provincial election saw the Saskatchewan Party defeat the NDP, but then they went and kept the NDP’s 24/7 torture legislation on the books. People don’t care that our political parties are torturing people to death in psychiatric facilities, and then vote for them over and over and over… the only real issue is the Catholic evergreen tree idol, blinkin’ on off, on and off, on and off, it is really quite a show. I said it was no surprise the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s aresholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, I was arrested and given to a Hindu who said that I think too much about penises, but the Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm, nevertheless the Big-Nosed Cree at One Arrow First Nation didn’t care anything about it at all and stuck a statue of their leader upon an Egyptian penis, other Big-Nosed Cree assisted Graham Construction to build a psychiatric torture chamber in North Battleford, while all the happy children in Saskatchewan agreed to pay for it into the future, while being denied seats in medical school which were instead given to Islamists so they could train to be psychiatrists, who under Trudeau and the Liberal Party (backed by the NDP) are allowed to work (torture people to death) in Canada without they themselves being Canadian citizens. You collectively spend billions of dollars annually turning trees into decorated idols and then spend millions more to shut me up about this and other pagan fertility rites in your churches, and you don’t even know how to blush. At least some of the Big-Nosed Cree are getting something of real value out of this situation, it’s the James Smith First Nation where each and every members of their Big-Nosed Band are set to receive handouts of approximately $46.89 annually for their diamonds ($160,000 annually spread over 3,412 members). Good for you, I sure hope you win.

Doctor Gene Marcoux is cited to be an expert in religious delusions. I repeatedly tried defending my sanity at the psychiatric appeal panel hearings that were held every three weeks by stating that the Bible condemns turning trees into decorated idols, at one psychiatric appeal panel hearing Dr. Marcoux smiled and said that everybody doths it (turns trees into decorated idols). They kept on torturing me and releasing me and having me rearrested for speaking, and torturing me and releasing me, over and over. They never told me that the last release would be the final one, after they were done with me I lived in utter fear of another impending arrest and round of brutal horrid torture. Between the six-week torture sessions I walked in back allies and along the river to avoid detection and the police… and it took me weeks after the six-week torture sessions to recover adequately so that I was able to walk outside again. The Chinese Greyhound bus beheader feller, by contrast, was given mild drugs and a holiday, and then told that his holiday was finished.

All the victims got three-week long government legislated torture sessions, followed by an unsuccessful appeal, so the psychiatrist could bill the province for six weeks of hard work instead of just three. Pretty much each and every victim of the psychiatric horror wants to flee the country, which costs money, and the government passes out more money to psychiatrists, to the Islamic invaders, to the farmers and middle-class and upper-class homeowners, while promising to get clean water for the Big-Nosed Cree.

People have such great compassion for their pagan fertility rites, they stick Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches and on the very top of their blinkin’ evergreen tree idols, in front of Saskatoon City Hall, at the entrance of the University of Saskatchewan and at our cemeteries, and even use the pagan penises as war memorials for the soldiers that gave their lives for us (to keep us free), and they party and laugh. I said that it is no surprise that your priests and ministers are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with dinks on the roofs of their churches. They responded by repeatedly arresting me and driving me past the Egyptian obelisks (penises) at the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan and delivering me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but again, it is not me that thinks so highly of penises that I would place one on the roof of a church, and besides Hindus attain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. The Indians at One Arrow First Nation responded to it all by placing a statue of Chief One Arrow on top of an Egyptian dink and by having their daughters sterilized with carcinogenic nasal swabs, deadly hand sanitizers, masks contaminated with any variety of pathogens and poisons, and so-called vaccines. Other Indians responded by helping Graham Construction build new psychiatric torture facilities in North Battleford. Happy families having their “Christmas” (use of God’s Name in vain, NOT His Mass) celebrations, united in pagan fertility whoreship. It did not matter to the Indians whether they held traditional aboriginal beliefs, or if they were Catholics, Protestants or atheists, they all took part in the annual celebration where they get their trees to blink. Those upper caste Indians that obtained free grants of reserve farm land at Muskoday First Nation and other reserves have among the nicest of the blinkin’ trees. They place their traditions, themselves and their family members above God. Even the atheists adopted the Catholic fertility rites and so became Catholics. The Catholics not only like the evergreen tree as a symbol of fertility, they build penises into their church architecture, they place Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches, they have priests and ministers that ram their penises up your children’s arseholes, and they have Hindu psychiatrists that proclaimed that it is I who thinks too much about penises, yet Hindus gain their spiritual bliss though orgasm. Anyway, in defense of the Doukhobors, they do not put Egyptian penises on the roofs of their Doukhobor prayer homes, they only stick Egyptian penises on the very top of their blinkin’ trees, then sometimes place a star on top of that Egyptian dink, and it was largely the Seventh-day Adventists who taught them to adopt and embrace this pagan shit, at least that is the experience with my Doukhobor and Adventist family and relatives. Regardless if the Doukhobors cap their blinkin’ fertility tree idols with an Egyptian penis or with a star, they are capping their fertility idols with a second fertility idol.

Click here to read the complete article

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