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alt / alt.agnosticism / Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part I - Daryl Kabatoff

o Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part I - Daryl KabatoffSqueak

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Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part I - Daryl Kabatoff
June 18th 2023 1:49 pm 207,242 words (242 pages)

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

Don't forget the Christians who were tortured to death in western universities by Hindu, Sikh, Islamic and Catholic psychiatrists for daring to try to inform you that there are cannibals running the churches and governments and for daring to try to inform you that the churches are teaching Catholic fertility rites in place of God's Commandments. Don't forget what the mainstream Christians did while these Christians were tortured to death, they turned trees into decorated idols and sang Jingle Bells, jingle all the way. They rejoiced in their decorated tree idols, they posed for photographs beside their decorated tree idols, they had their children photographed beside the decorated tree idols, they voted for Islamists who posed beside the decorated tree idols. They posted these photographs of their children on Facebook, where almost all of the witches shopped for the children. The witches cruise Facebook, picked out their next meal and place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Don't forget the Christians being tortured in psychiatric facilities, the psychiatrists do not treat their victims equally, some people (the Christians) are targeted with the most horrid of the treatments, designed to silence and kill them. Don't forget that God allows you to be injected with horrid toxins in 2021 because all you could do is laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror and sing Jingle Bells. You embraced pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments and laughed at the victims of psychiatric horror, they tried to warn you that Scripture condemns turning trees into decorated idols but you mocked them, covered your trees with tinfoil and said they were wearing tinfoil hats. They said they were being tortured to death and asked for assistance to flee the country and you assaulted them further and laughed. They tried to warn you to cease turning trees into decorated idols and you shat on them and continued spending billions of dollars annually getting your trees to blink. Don’t forget the Christians who were tortured to death in psychiatric facilities in western nations who tried to inform you of the witches running the churches and governments. Don’t forget that you exchanged God’s Commandments for pagan traditions and now God permits your nations to be taken over by members of alternative fertility cults. Don’t forget that you are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror and you deserve the loss of your nations to Islam.

Presently you turn trees into blinkin’ idols while some of you advocate for those who criticize this and other of your pagan fertility rites be arrested and “treated”, I think you should be able to turn trees into blinkin’ idols and practice the rest of your Catholicism without advocating that those who disagree with your pagan fertility rites be tortured to death in psychiatric facilities. An equal problem are those who hear about the horrors of psychiatric torture and do nothing. They also hear that seats in our western universities are reserved for and used to train Hindus, Islamists and Sikhs to become brutal psychiatrists, and they do nothing. And they hear that Trudeau allows these people to “work” in Canada without being Canadian citizens, and they do nothing. And they hear that some people who are “anti-vaxers” were stripped of their rights and placed into psychiatric “care”, and they do nothing. Well, good for you, I sure hope you win.

In the news on March 30th 2022 the Saskatchewan Party (they have people being tortured to death in psychiatric facilities) announced their intention to build nuclear reactors. Most people in Saskatchewan are maimed and are about to die from their Covid bullshit jabs, not sure where you are going to find the people to build and staff these facilities, and beside, dead people do not use electricity. Make sure to laugh at and brutally assault the victims of psychiatric horror before you depart. There is a time for war (Ecclesiastes 3:08), put your papers in order, there is a really good chance of an armed assault against the politicians in Regina and Saskatoon, and in other cities where people are tortured with the drugs. Consider building secure fences around the Provincial Legislature in Regina, around your City Halls and hospitals.

In the news on March 31st 2022 the Islamic students at the University of Saskatchewan are upset that they have to write exams during Ramadan. Such suffering you folks are enduring, perhaps it will help to build your characters. There is certain to be an armed assault against the employees at the University of Saskatchewan (targeting the doctors, nurses, janitors, security guards, administration, secretaries, professors, food service personnel, electricians, pipe fitters, plumbers, couriers…), as they are employed at a business that tortures people to death. My hope is that the Islamic students are spared and just the employees are shot. There is a time for war (Ecclesiastes 3:08), but it may not be a wise move at this time as the Canadians are already at war against God. I suggest you put an end to your idolatry first, and show some true repentance before you shoot these arseholes. Not only do you people work at a facility that tortures people to death, you think it is funny. Please don’t kill any of the Moslem students, I think they will witness the impending horror and peacefully return to their home nations. Make sure that anybody and everybody that has a key for a room containing psychiatric drugs is both tortured and killed. I think it is goink to be a horrid mess that is about to play out at the University of Saskatchewan. How else do you put an end to psychiatry? Perhaps you think your prayers are oh so powerful and all you have to do is mutter a litany of crap while claiming that your smitten child is up in heaven, looking down upon you, working hard to protect you while you pray to the dead child. Likely the child is dead because you had him or her injected with the bullshit Covid death serums or the psychiatric death serums, or both, and now you pray to the dead child while feeling smug and holy, believing your prayers are so full of power. There is a time for war, but you already war against God when you adopt Catholic fertility rites. The blinkin’ trees, easter bunnies, Egyptian penises capping church roofs, sun shaped church windows, sun shaped communion wafers, and even the sexual abuse and the cannibalism of children are all Catholic fertility rites. In public the priests wave some smoke beside their blinkin’ fertility tree idols, and then later in private ram their penises up the choir boy’s arseholes, then butcher the kids, cook and eat them.

Then on April 1st 2022 it became clear to me that there is no need to use violence to end psychiatry, as the universities, the institutions of ”higher learning”, will lose their employees due to the Islamic death jabs, they will cease to function. Similarly other psychiatric institutions will lose their employees, they will twitch and convulse and retire from their employment. They would go on holidays. Sure their positions will be filled by Islamists that never took the Islamic death jabs, but that is a different story, it is a different culture. It would be the end of white civilization and the beginning of an Islamic caliphate. That is if the white Europeans continue to sit back, that is what would be sure to happen. What could happen is you will get African immigrants fighting over the psychiatry positions at the universities and they will be even more liberal with their doses. The doses are quite horrible (to say the least), and an increasing number of people of white European descent will sure to be subjected to these doses. That would be a new book, “Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers Part Two Or Some Damn Thing Like That.” At the very beginning of that book I’d laugh at you and cry out to God against you, even as you are being tortured to death by these African Islamic psychiatrists. I’d try to get Jean Edna Anne De Witt (born August 15th 1984) to be involved in some way, maybe she would go town to town with a circus tent, and laugh. The Islamists would be sure to provide me and my circus with diplomatic immunity.

I suggest to the employees of the University of Saskatchewan and the employees of Saskatoon City Hall, that their time is short, they will soon perish from the jabs, they should quit their jobs and go on holidays. Get away from the masks, go fishing. Get a short and light weight “mountain rifle” in .243 Winchester, 7mm-08 or .308 and flee to the mountains, or get a similarly short and light “Scout Rifle” in .243, 7mm-08 or .308. Or get a semi-auto rifle, perhaps a Remington R-25, this is made in .243, 7mm-08 and in .308, grab whichever version of this rifle that makes itself available to you. Take your books with you and don’t come back. You would be foolish to go to the mountains unarmed. Maybe get a Browning, or a CZ, a Kimber, Remington or Ruger, or a Sako or a Tikka, or maybe even a Winchester, and bring along a cook. You’d be getting away from the Big-Nosed Cree but you’d be dealing with other Indians out there in the mountains who’s noses are not quite so big. Share the land, live in peace, laugh along with Edna, don’t go to a hospital when you start feeling ill from the jabs. Go fishing as long as you can until the twitching and convulsing becomes unbearable, then perhaps shoot yourself. By then there will be posters and billboards of Trudeau everywhere and his face will be the last thing you see. Always laugh. Your country will be proud of you. Yep, you will lose your houses, your jobs, your children, your lives and your nations all because you decided to adopt Catholic fertility rites in place of God’s Commandments, and because you voted for the Satanists who modeled the behavior of turning trees into decorated idols, and because you never stood up for the victims of psychiatric horror and instead allowed psychiatry to multiply and thrive. And as you lose these things, you will be outraged against me, your messenger. Consider not assaulting me further, it wouldn’t do any real good at all (albeit the storms may cease if you kill me). And besides, it is my turn to laugh.

Click here to read the complete article

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