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alt / alt.activism / What Makes A Country, Your Country?

* What Makes A Country, Your Country?Intelligent Party
`- Re: What Makes A Country, Your Country?Jos Boersema

Subject: What Makes A Country, Your Country?
From: Intelligent Party
Newsgroups: soc.culture.usa, alt.politics.usa, talk.politics.theory, alt.activism, soc.rights.human, alt.politics.usa.misc
Organization: -
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2023 12:04 UTC
From: (Intelligent Party)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.usa,alt.politics.usa,talk.politics.theory,alt.activism,soc.rights.human,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: What Makes A Country, Your Country?
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2023 05:04:43 -0700
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1. The Right to Work.
2. The Right to Reside.
3. Equal Rights.
4. Political Rights.
5. Human Rights. And how is anybody so dumb, to think they have wrongs, without a
right violated?

Yet any little right violated, is not cause for homicide.

Prohibition is as wrong, as Hitler's 3rd Reich.

We the People, demand the governments of the world, cease and desist from all
prohibitions of all types, whether or not, they are Dictatorships, Republics, or
have a 51% or greater vote.

Subject: Re: What Makes A Country, Your Country?
From: Jos Boersema
Newsgroups: talk.politics.theory, alt.activism, soc.rights.human
Followup: alt.activism
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 17:01 UTC
References: 1
From: (Jos Boersema)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.theory,alt.activism,soc.rights.human
Subject: Re: What Makes A Country, Your Country?
Followup-To: alt.activism
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 17:01:22 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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["Followup-To:" header set to alt.activism.]
On 2023-09-03, Intelligent Party <> wrote:
> 1. The Right to Work.

An equal and inalienable right to free land (natural resources).

> 2. The Right to Reside.

.... if born or naturalized according to law.

> 3. Equal Rights.

Yes, including to natural resources for free.

> 4. Political Rights.

Inalienable political rights from an age defined by law. I would propose
25 years, or older.

> 5. Human Rights. And how is anybody so dumb, to think they have wrongs, without a
> right violated?

.... and many more rights and obligations as well.

> Yet any little right violated, is not cause for homicide.
> Prohibition is as wrong, as Hitler's 3rd Reich.

Prohibition of alcohol or drugs has proven to be a disaster, because the
lust for these substances is irrepressable on the one hand, and giving
the profits to organized crime is a recipe for Government corruption and worse.

> We the People, demand the governments of the world, cease and desist from all
> prohibitions of all types, whether or not, they are Dictatorships, Republics, or
> have a 51% or greater vote.

The idea of "Governments of the world" is accepting the world is being
ruled by one clique, one Government, or at least to position yourself as
a global political base.

I would like to ask *my* Government, to stop following absurd United
States of America prohibition laws, which seem to be designed to enrich
organized crime, and to take away any form of reliable Government run
for and by ordinary people. Perhaps a policy where the Government
tightly controls the drugs market can manage to push organized crime
out of the local drugs market. The state could be involved in drugs
production and sales, while engaging in a strong anti-drugs information
campaign to reduce dangerous drugs use. If only one person use amounts
can be sold to people who also provably consumed that purchase, only
allowed for people of the Dutch nationality, this could reduce unwanted
drugs tourism to our country. If free market and sales remain repressed
as in other countries, other countries should have no reason to be upset
by sensible Dutch drugs laws.

Needless to say, we need to stop being part of incorrigibly corrupt
entities, such as the E.U. and more broadly the USA global Empire (E.U.,
United Nations, NATO, etc). One reason: Prohibition and associated rise
of crime & corruption.

We need to stay part of many trade agreements however, unless we want to
accept a severe economic downturn (I guess), which could undermine the
whole thing.

However, realism dictates that the future will be the opposite: further
global integration under ultimately the allincae and confluence: organized
crime, wicked super rich power lusting insane people, and ... the dumb
who believe in it, leading to World War 3 and another attempt to worsen
their stranglehold over mankind in general.

Will they launch the nukes ? Of course they will. Destroying entire
cities is expected behavior among humans. Nukes merely streamline and
speed up this proces.

THEY DON'T CARE. (An old Fascist slogan.)

They have bunkers too, and in the ultimate top they are probably working
together. Even if not, criminals are natural risk takers. If humanity in
general wakes up to a crashed economy, a Revolution could be more
dangerous to the global power brokers than a global nuclear war, a war
which they control either entirely or partially.

A lot of money has been spend on nukes. The present generations do not
fear war as much as the previous generations who have lived through it.
People don't listen to the horror stories of the people who have
survived modern war. Threatening with war is not as effective as it was
during the Cold War. There was always the next maximum effort war.
Corruption and decay is rising. Science and scholarship of universities
is generally a failure, since they did not bring peace to humanity in
equal measure as they brought more dangerous weapons. Corona virus
policies show: mankind accepts anything, there is no political fight
left in these people. At least not for the moment. War erases all old
scams by the powerful, creates a new trauma to base another Empire upon.
A crises to be used to further centralize control. A man facing famine
might more readily accept a chip in the head, than one who is having a
month long vacation to the sun every year.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.


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